Returns a ServiceCharge
containing information about a type of fee applied to
restaurant sales. For example, an automatic gratuity applied to
the check for a large dining party might be a type of service
charge for a restaurant.
Returns a ServiceCharge
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://toast-api-server/config/v2/serviceCharges/{guid}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: string'
{- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "amountType": "FIXED",
- "amount": 0,
- "percent": 0,
- "criteria": {
- "minCheckAmount": 0,
- "delivery": true,
- "maxCheckAmount": 0,
- "minDeliveryDistance": 0,
- "takeout": true,
- "dineIn": true
}, - "gratuity": true,
- "taxable": true,
- "applicableTaxes": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "isDefault": true,
- "rate": 0,
- "type": "PERCENT",
- "roundingType": "HALF_UP",
- "taxTable": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "tax": 0,
- "pattern": true
], - "conditionalTaxRates": [
- {
- "condition": "string",
- "rate": 0
], - "serviceChargeCalculation": "PRE_DISCOUNT",
- "destination": "RESTAURANT"