
Information about an offer to be redeemed (or that was redeemed) to a check.


The dollar (or other currency) amount that this offer actually discounts.


The GUID of the AppliedDiscount on the Check or Selection object corresponding to the discount. This is required if the Redemption object is contained within the RejectionRedemption object and identifies the rejected redemption. This is included to differentiate if multiple redemptions of the same type are applied to the same check or item.


Identifier of the Offer to be redeemed. The Offer must be one that was returned by the provider in response to an inquiry request.

Array of objects (ItemRedemptionInfo)

If this offer this object is redeeming is of type MULTI_ITEM, this array includes the selections to which the offer has been applied, along with the amounts applied to each selection and the identifier of the discounts applied to each selection. If this field is present, the selectionGuid, appliedDiscountGuid, and amount fields will be null, as the values in this array convey that information.


The GUID of a Multi Item Redemption. A Multi Item Redemption is a single loyalty redemption that applied to multiple items on the check. For instance, a "$3 off burgers, $2 off fries, and $1 off a drink" would be a single loyalty redemption that applies to 3 separate items. This field is an identifier for a Multi Item redemption, but does not correspond to any one object on the Check. To see what items were discounted, refer to the itemApplication field.


The number of times the offer has been applied to the item or check. For example, if an offer is a stackable "$5 off check" discount, this field could indicate that multiple copies of that offer have been applied.


If this is an item level discount, the guid of the selection that this redemption is attached to. If this redemption has not been added to a specific selection yet, this field will be absent.

  • "identifier": "string",
  • "selectionGuid": "string",
  • "appliedDiscountGuid": "string",
  • "multiItemDiscountGuid": "string",
  • "amount": 0,
  • "itemApplication": [
  • "quantity": 0