
Response to an inquire, redeem, or accure request. For an inquire response this field is requried. For all other responses it is optional unless any of the redemptions were rejected. If the account corresponding to the identifier was not found, the service should return a 404 response.

object (AccountInfo)

Identifying information about a specific loyalty account.

Array of objects (Redemption)

A list of redemptions that were submitted as part of a LOYALTY_INQUIRE or LOYALTY_REDEEM request that are valid for the given loyalty account and the contents of the check. For item level redemptions the selectionGuid will be set to indicate which item it applies to.

Array of objects (Offer)

An array of offers that are currently available to the holder of this account.

Array of objects (RejectedRedemption)

A list of redemptions that were submitted as part of a LOYALTY_INQUIRE or LOYALTY_REDEEM request that are not valid for the given loyalty account and the contents of the check.


An optional message to be relayed to the guest at the restaurant. Examples could include "Visit to check your points balance" or "You will accrue 15 points with this transaction!"

  • "accountInfo": {
  • "offers": [
  • "rejectedRedemptions": [
  • "appliedRedemptions": [
  • "userMessage": "string"