
Information needed to complete an inquire, redeem, or accrue transaction. Included if the toastTransactionType is one of LOYALTY_INQUIRE, LOYALTY_REDEEM, or LOYALTY_ACCRUE, absent otherwise.

object (Check)

A wrapper object with fields that allow reference to a Toast entity by Toast GUID.


Unique identifier of the loyalty account. Format will vary by provider.


The Toast POS system identifier for the order that contains the check.

Array of objects (Redemption)

List of offers to be redeemed, or already redeemed on a check. If this is the first time this particular Redemption has been present in a request (as part of this customer interaction), it will be present in this list but not on the Check. If a Redemption has been previously validated, it will be present both in this list and on the Check as an AppliedDiscount.

  • "loyaltyIdentifier": "string",
  • "orderGuid": "string",
  • "check": {
  • "redemptions": [