
Information about the restaurant whose menu data has been retrieved.


The most recent date and time that this menu's data was published. Use this value to determine if you need to refresh your menu data. The lastUpdated value uses the absolute timestamp format describe in the Dates and timestamps section of the Toast Developer Guide.

Array of objects (Menu)

An array of Menu objects that represent the published menus used by this restaurant.


A map of ModifierGroup objects that define the modifier groups used by this restaurant. Each ModifierGroup object is presented as a key/value pair. A pair's key matches the referenceId of the object contained in the pair's value, as shown below:

  "modifierGroupReferences": {
    "3": {
      "referenceId": 3,
      "name": "Toppings",
      "guid": "58b79986-f88f-411d-ba18-14b1e2441e9d",
      "modifierOptionReferences": [

Other menu entities refer to modifier groups using their referenceId. Having a key that matches the referenceId allows you to locate the correct modifier group in the modifierGroupReferences map. For more information on the referenceId value, see the Understanding GUIDs, referenceIds, and multilocationIds section of the Toast Developer Guide.


A map of ModifierOption objects that define the modifier options used by this restaurant. Each ModifierOption object is presented as a key/value pair. A pair's key matches the referenceId of the object contained in the pair's value, as shown below:

"modifierOptionReferences": {
  "10": {
    "referenceId": 10,
    "name": "Mushrooms",
    "guid": "fa24fee9-76c4-40ba-ae3c-7dfccafdd8d3",
  "11": {
    "referenceId": 11,
    "name": "Onions",
    "guid": "afee6be7-8280-4c69-a170-9fdf4c76bf7b",

Other menu entities refer to modifier options using their referenceId. Having a key that matches the referenceId allows you to locate the correct modifier option in the modifierOptionReferences map. For more information on the referenceId value, see the Understanding GUIDs, referenceIds, and multilocationIds section of the Toast Developer Guide.


A map of PreModifierGroup objects that define the premodifier groups used by this restaurant. Each PreModifierGroup object is presented as a key/value pair. A pair's key matches the referenceId of the object contained in the pair's value, as shown below:

"preModifierGroupReferences": {
  "22": {
    "referenceId": 22,
    "guid": "07a1a94d-6f7b-46d5-a916-a07fa16bb8e8",
    "name": "PreModGroup",
    "preModifiers": [
        "guid": "ad45e697-9356-468e-b7b4-1b23f4d4b8a5",
        "name": "EXTRA",
        "fixedPrice": 1.0,
        "multiplicationFactor": null,
        "displayMode": "PREFIX"
        "guid": "483dd4cf-acea-4373-ae76-5f7efd0d529d",
        "name": "NO",
        "fixedPrice": 0.0,
        "multiplicationFactor": null,
        "displayMode": "PREFIX"

Other menu entities refer to premodifier groups using their referenceId. Having a key that matches the referenceId allows you to locate the correct premodifier group in the preModifierGroupReferences map. For more information on the referenceId value, see the Understanding GUIDs, referenceIds, and multilocationIds section of the Toast Developer Guide.

string <uuid>

A unique identifier for this restaurant, assigned by the Toast POS system.


The name of the restaurant's time zone in the IANA time zone database For example, "America/New_York".

  • "restaurantGuid": "ea0a8ddc-1996-4cd1-bc9b-c9aaabff38dc",
  • "lastUpdated": "string",
  • "restaurantTimeZone": "string",
  • "menus": [
  • "modifierGroupReferences": {
  • "modifierOptionReferences": {
  • "preModifierGroupReferences": {