Information about the physical location of a restaurant.
address1 | string The first line of the street address of the restaurant. |
address2 | string The second line of the street address of the restaurant. |
administrativeArea | string The name of the geographical division (for example, state, province, or county) that the restaurant is located in. |
city | string The city or town of the restaurant. restaurant. |
country | string The nation of the restaurant. |
latitude | number <double> The north/south geographic coordinate of the restaurant, in decimal degrees. |
longitude | number <double> The east/west geographic coordinate of the restaurant, in decimal degrees. |
phone | string |
phoneCountryCode | string A numeric code corresponding to one or more countries, used as a telephone number prefix when making international telephone calls. |
stateCode | string Deprecated. Get the state or province of a restaurant in the
The abbreviation of the state or province of the restaurant. |
zipCode | string The ZIP or postal code of the restaurant. |
{- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "stateCode": "string",
- "administrativeArea": "string",
- "zipCode": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "phoneCountryCode": "string",
- "latitude": 0,
- "longitude": 0