
Information about the configuration of a restaurant in the Toast POS.

object (Delivery)

Information about delivery service provided by the restaurant.

object (General)

General information about a restaurant location.

object (Location)

Information about the physical location of a restaurant.

object (OnlineOrdering)

Information about the web-based ordering configuration for the restaurant.

object (PrepTimes)

Information about the scheduled availability of the dining options that are provided by the restaurant.

object (Schedules)

Describes the types of service and hours of operation for the restaurant over a one week period. The schedules object contains service and hour schedules for types of days and the types of days for each day of the calendar week.

object (URLs)

Web addresses for the restaurant.

  • "guid": "string",
  • "general": {
  • "urls": {
  • "location": {
  • "schedules": {
  • "delivery": {
  • "onlineOrdering": {
  • "prepTimes": {