
A discount to be applied to a check. In response to a TENDER_RETRIEVE_DISCOUNTS request, the Toast POS system attempts to apply the discount to the check. In the TENDER_RETRIEVE_PAYMENTS and TENDER_REDEEM request, the successfully applied discounts are included.

number <double>

Amount that will be discounted from the item or check. This cannot be more than the pre-tax total of the item or check. Required.

string <guid>

If this discount was applied to the check by the Toast POS system, this will indicate the GUID of the appliedDiscount object that corresponds to this tender discount. Request only.


A unique identifier for this discount, provided by the tender provider. Note that multiple discounts of the same type must still have unique identifiers. Required.


Name of this discount. This name is displayed on the check and in the restaurants reports. Required.

string <guid>

GUID of the selection this discount applies to. Required only if this is an item-level discount.

  • "name": "string",
  • "identifier": "string",
  • "amount": 0,
  • "selectionGuid": "string",
  • "appliedDiscountGuid": "string"