Information about a tender transaction in the Toast POS system. Tender providers are expected to handle that transaction.
The set of information in this object depends on the tender
transaction type. The transaction type is specified in the
header parameter for the request.
The TenderTransaction
object includes the following values
for specific transaction types:
- includes a discountsTransactionInformation
- includes a paymentsTransactionInformation
- includes a redeemTransactionInformation
- includes a gratuityTransactionInformation
- includes a reverseTransactionInformation
- no additional values.TENDER_SEARCH
- includes an searchTransactionInformation
value.object (TransactionInformationDiscounts) A request for the provider to return a list of
discounts (if any) that apply to the given check.
The Toast POS system will then send a | |
object (TransactionInformationGratuity) A request to add an additional gratuity to a existing tender transaction. | |
object (TransactionInformationPayments) A request for the provider to return a list of
payments that apply to the check.
The Toast POS system will then send a | |
object (TransactionInformationRedeem) A request for the provider to mark as consumed the discounts and payments
included in this message, that were previously retrieved with
| |
object (TransactionInformationReverse) A request to reverse discounts and/or payments made as part of a previous transaction. | |
object (TransactionInformationSearch) A request to search for all tender accounts that match the given search terms. |
{- "searchTransactionInformation": {
- "swipeData": "string",
- "searchTerms": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "tenderPropertyType": "FOLIO",
- "maxLength": "string"
}, - "discountsTransactionInformation": {
- "tenderIdentifier": "string",
- "accountInfo": {
- "tenderIdentifier": "string",
- "properties": {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "tenderPropertyType": "FOLIO",
- "maxLength": "string"
}, - "orderGuid": "string",
- "check": {
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- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "openedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "closedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deleted": true,
- "selections": [
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- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "item": {
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- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
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- "externalId": "string"
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- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
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- "externalId": "string"
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- "selectionType": "NONE",
- "salesCategory": {
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- "externalId": "string"
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- "entityType": "string",
- "name": "string",
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- "discount": {
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- "entityType": null
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- "entityType": null,
- "externalId": null
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- "referenceId": null
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- null
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- "voided": true,
- "voidDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "voidBusinessDate": 0,
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- "createdDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "taxInclusion": "INCLUDED",
- "appliedTaxes": [
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- "entityType": "string",
- "taxRate": {
- "guid": null,
- "entityType": null
}, - "name": "string",
- "rate": 0,
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- "type": "PERCENT"
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- "email": "string"
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- "accrualText": "string"
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- "entityType": "string",
- "taxRate": {
- "guid": null,
- "entityType": null
}, - "name": "string",
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- "externalId": "string"
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- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
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- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
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- "externalId": "string"
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- "closedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- {
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- "guid": null,
- "entityType": null
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- "entityType": null
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