A request for the provider to return a list of
payments that apply to the check.
The Toast POS system will then send a TENDER_REDEEM
request with the discounts
and payments applied to the check.
object (AccountInfo) Information related to a given tender user. | |
amount | number <double> The amount of the requested tender. Breakdown details can be found in the check object. If not present, the requested amount is the full amount owed on the check. |
object (Check) A wrapper object with fields that allow reference to a Toast entity by Toast GUID. | |
orderGuid | string <guid> The GUID of the order this check belongs to. Orders can have multiple checks, but only one check will be relevant for the transaction. The order GUID can be used to later retrieve information about the order and check from the Toast Orders API. |
Array of objects (TenderDiscount) The list of tender discounts retrieved by the previous | |
tenderIdentifier | string The unique identifier of a tender guest. This is obtained by entering a name or an email address, or anything else accepted by both the customer and the partner. |
tipAmount | number <double> The amount of the requested gratuity, in addition to the amount requested for actual payment of the check. |
{- "tenderIdentifier": "string",
- "accountInfo": {
- "tenderIdentifier": "string",
- "properties": {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "tenderPropertyType": "FOLIO",
- "maxLength": "string"
}, - "amount": 0,
- "tipAmount": 0,
- "orderGuid": "string",
- "check": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "openedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "closedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deleted": true,
- "selections": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "item": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "itemGroup": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "optionGroup": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "preModifier": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "unitOfMeasure": "NONE",
- "selectionType": "NONE",
- "salesCategory": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "appliedDiscounts": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "discountAmount": 0,
- "nonTaxDiscountAmount": 0,
- "discount": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string"
}, - "triggers": [
- {
- "selection": null,
- "quantity": null
], - "approver": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "processingState": "PENDING_APPLIED",
- "loyaltyDetails": {
- "vendor": "TOAST",
- "referenceId": "string"
}, - "comboItems": [
- {
- "guid": null,
- "entityType": null,
- "externalId": null
], - "appliedPromoCode": "string"
], - "deferred": true,
- "preDiscountPrice": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "tax": 0,
- "voided": true,
- "voidDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "voidBusinessDate": 0,
- "voidReason": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "displayName": "string",
- "createdDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiers": [
- { }
], - "fulfillmentStatus": "NEW",
- "taxInclusion": "INCLUDED",
- "appliedTaxes": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "taxRate": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "rate": 0,
- "taxAmount": 0,
- "type": "PERCENT"
], - "customer": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
}, - "appliedLoyaltyInfo": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "loyaltyIdentifier": "string",
- "vendor": "INTEGRATION",
- "accrualFamilyGuid": "string",
- "accrualText": "string"
}, - "taxExempt": false,
- "displayNumber": "string",
- "appliedServiceCharges": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "chargeAmount": 0,
- "serviceCharge": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "chargeType": "FIXED",
- "name": "string",
- "delivery": true,
- "gratuity": true,
- "taxable": true,
- "appliedTaxes": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "taxRate": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "rate": 0,
- "taxAmount": 0,
- "type": "PERCENT"
], - "amount": 0,
- "taxAmount": 0,
- "totalAmount": 0,
- "payments": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "paidDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "paidBusinessDate": 0,
- "type": "CASH",
- "cardEntryMode": "SWIPED",
- "amount": 0,
- "tipAmount": 0,
- "amountTendered": 0,
- "cardType": "VISA",
- "last4Digits": "string",
- "originalProcessingFee": 0,
- "cashDrawer": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "refundStatus": "NONE",
- "refund": {
- "refundAmount": 0,
- "tipRefundAmount": 0,
- "refundDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "refundBusinessDate": 0
}, - "paymentStatus": "OPEN",
- "voidInfo": {
- "voidUser": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "voidApprover": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "voidDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "voidBusinessDate": 0,
- "voidReason": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "houseAccount": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "otherPayment": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "createdDevice": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "lastModifiedDevice": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "mcaRepaymentAmount": 0
], - "tabName": "string",
- "paymentStatus": "OPEN",
- "appliedDiscounts": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "discountAmount": 0,
- "nonTaxDiscountAmount": 0,
- "discount": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string"
}, - "triggers": [
- {
- "selection": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "quantity": 0
], - "approver": {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
}, - "processingState": "PENDING_APPLIED",
- "loyaltyDetails": {
- "vendor": "TOAST",
- "referenceId": "string"
}, - "comboItems": [
- {
- "guid": "string",
- "entityType": "string",
- "externalId": "string"
], - "appliedPromoCode": "string"
], - "voided": true,
- "voidDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "voidBusinessDate": 0,
- "paidDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdDevice": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "lastModifiedDevice": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "tenderDiscountsApplied": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "selectionGuid": "string",
- "appliedDiscountGuid": "string"