A request to reverse discounts and/or payments made as part of a previous transaction.
object (AccountInfo) Information related to a given tender user. | |
object (CheckInfo) Information about a check associated with a transaction | |
discountsToRemove | Array of strings A list of reference IDs for discounts that are to be reversed. These discounts have been removed from the check and must be added back to the users account, if applicable. |
orderGuid | string <uuid> Unique Toast order identifier associated with the refunded transaction. |
originalTransactionStatus | string (TenderTransactionStatus) Indicates the result of a tender transaction, reported by the tender service provider. This property must be present on all responses. Possible values are:
paymentsToRemove | Array of strings A list of reference IDs for payments that are to be reversed. These payments have been removed from the check and the funds used must be added back to the users account, if applicable. |
object (TenderDiscount) A discount to be applied to a check. In response to a | |
tenderIdentifier | string The unique identifier of a tender guest. This is obtained by entering a name or an email address, or anything else accepted by both the customer and the partner. |
object (TenderPayment) Payment returned by the tender provider to be applied to the check. | |
transactionToUpdate | string <guid> The identifier of an earlier tender transaction. This
identifier is provided in the |
{- "tenderIdentifier": "string",
- "accountInfo": {
- "tenderIdentifier": "string",
- "properties": {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "tenderPropertyType": "FOLIO",
- "maxLength": "string"
}, - "transactionToUpdate": "string",
- "discountsToRemove": [
- "string"
], - "paymentsToRemove": [
- "string"
], - "tenderDiscountsToRemove": {
- "name": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "selectionGuid": "string",
- "appliedDiscountGuid": "string"
}, - "tenderPaymentsToRemove": {
- "name": "string",
- "identifier": "string",
- "type": "CREDIT",
- "amount": 0,
- "tipAmount": 0,
- "paymentGuid": "string"
}, - "checkInfo": {
- "guid": "string",
- "displayNumber": "string"
}, - "originalTransactionStatus": "ACCEPT",
- "orderGuid": "c97d701b-064e-4c4d-9a3a-8063baec086f"