The deposits
endpoint of the cash management API
returns information about the actual cash deposits for a restaurant. For
example, when you close out a business day for your restaurant, you
might package any cash that is greater than the amount needed for the
start of the next day and deposit it in a bank. You record the deposit
amount using the deposits function of the Toast POS.
Get all cash deposits made on a specific business date
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJzI1NiJ9hbGciOiJSU.eyJhd9yaXR5Ij oiQ1JVTkNIVElNRSIsInJzR3VpZCI6IjE4YzQ5YWJlLWFlODItNGFlYy04ND M1LWJhYTRjMjVlYTY2MiIsInNjb3BlIjpbImxWQiOlsidG9hc3QiXSwibmFt aW5nQXV0aGhYm9yIiwib3JkZXJzIiwidXNlcm1nbXQiXSwiZXhwIjoxNDg0M zg5ODUwLCJqdGkiOiJlMDYzZjJkMy1jNGYyLTRiZjItODJmNi01MTg1NWMzZ DAxM2YiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjcnVuY2h0aW1lIn0.X1_0y9Hzj5F9gdOw2 o6VSYTyZwooAJiFMDmNakbZrtiUdYwLzuLwLpCMQzX5pKYtOqDUz_cetGJL3 txKL1L-K2j1Enoq8An8hEM6e8J0KdAiwrYFO3W3CmWedaoz95K9ghNZVCs28 Td2Sp3Ix3fObxbrvanocx9_OT8S9uM8hdSXmBI_ykTWvOVgK4hO24V3DJy4b 9bz1FtgOvrClhELxCe8dJy7jiwAR60xczlCF5rna98RMLN6zY4ffjmljKFZ6 QV0KkVppWjEiJn7oFHiIylCX1sSg7sddrGatj0xJzts3GJ8u8_lryUNHaEvJ dWq4Yzwo007AMgxjH9d241Y-g" \ -H "Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: 4622e7a9-b4be-3fef-9220-b3dad273e0b4" \https://
Use the
Use the |
The following example shows a DepositEntry
object in
the response data from the deposits
DepositEntry object in deposits endpoint response data
[ { "guid": "8421034f-fa0b-495c-808e-bf98f63f0de7","entityType": "DepositEntry", "date": "2019-09-18T14:49:41.284+0000",
"amount": 3210.98,
"employee": {
"guid": "9659c962-7a8a-43ec-9343-47cafb68e83b", "entityType": "RestaurantUser", "externalId": null }, "undoes": null
} ]
The GUID of this |
The date and time when the cash deposit was made. |
The amount of the deposit. The |
The GUID or external identifier of the restaurant employee who created the cash deposit. |
The GUID of the deposit entry that was undone. The value is