Send a GET
request to the
endpoint of
the restaurants API to obtain configuration information for a specific
restaurant. The endpoint returns a RestaurantInfo
that contains the following objects and their information:
object: general information about the restaurant:-
is the restaurant's guest-facing name. For example:West End Grille
. -
is a name used externally to differentiate multiple locations. For example,Davis Square
might be the location of one of the restaurants in a restaurant group in a city. -
is a code used internally to differentiate multiple locations. It is typically a three or four letter code. -
is a description of the restaurant. This description appears on Toast's website. -
is the name of the restaurant's time zone in the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database. -
is the business day cutoff, which is the hour of the day that ends the current business day and starts the next. The value is 0-12 (midnight to noon) and is in the restaurant's time zone. For example, a value of4
means that 4:00 AM is the close of the current business day. Note that this value is different from thecloseTime
value for a day schedule. -
is the GUID of the restaurant management group. -
indicates whether the restaurant has been made inactive on the Toast platform. An example reason that a restaurant is archived is that it was created in error.
Note that the
, andcloseoutHour
values are always populated, but the other values may be null. -
object: web addresses for the restaurant:-
is the restaurant's primary (independently-hosted) website. -
is the restaurant's Facebook page.To -
is the restaurant's Twitter feed. -
is the restaurant's online ordering page, where guests can place takeout or delivery orders. -
is the restaurant's website where guests can purchase gift cards. This value is populated only if the location has Toast gift cards (not a gift card integration). -
is the restaurant's website where guests can find balances and other information about gift cards. This value is populated only if the location has Toast gift cards (not a gift card integration).
object: information about the physical location of the restaurant:-
is the first line of the restaurant's street address. -
is the second line of the restaurant's street address. -
is the restaurant's city or town. -
is the two-letter abbreviation of the restaurant's state, such asCA
for California. -
is the restaurant's ZIP or postal code. -
is the two-letter abbreviation of the restaurant's country, such asUS
for United States. -
is the restaurant's 10-digit phone number. -
is the restaurant's north/south geographical coordinate in decimal degrees. -
is the restaurant's east/west geographical coordinate in decimal degrees.
object: information about the restaurant services (such as lunch and dinner) and the schedules for those services over a one-week period. For details on theSchedules
object, see Restaurant configuration settings that affect order wait time. -
object: information about the Toast delivery service provided by the restaurant:-
indicates whether the restaurant provides a Toast delivery service. -
is minimum order price that qualifies for delivery. -
is the geographic area in which the restaurant provides delivery service. The delivery area is represented by an encoded set of latitude and longitude coordinates that describe a polygon area on a map. The coordinates are encoded using the Google maps encoded polyline algorithm format.
object: information about the restaurant's online ordering service, including payment options for online orders. For details on theOnlineOrdering
object, see Online ordering configuration. -
object: information about the scheduled availability of dining options that are provided by the restaurant. For details on thePrepTimes
object, see Restaurant configuration settings that affect order wait time.
The following example curl command sends a
request to the
Get configuration of a specific restaurant
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJzI1NiJ9hbGciOiJSU.eyJhd9yaXR5Ij oiQ1JVTkNIVElNRSIsInJzR3VpZCI6IjE4YzQ5YWJlLWFlODItNGFlYy04ND M1LWJhYTRjMjVlYTY2MiIsInNjb3BlIjpbImxWQiOlsidG9hc3QiXSwibmFt aW5nQXV0aGhYm9yIiwib3JkZXJzIiwidXNlcm1nbXQiXSwiZXhwIjoxNDg0M zg5ODUwLCJqdGkiOiJlMDYzZjJkMy1jNGYyLTRiZjItODJmNi01MTg1NWMzZ DAxM2YiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjcnVuY2h0aW1lIn0.X1_0y9Hzj5F9gdOw2 o6VSYTyZwooAJiFMDmNakbZrtiUdYwLzuLwLpCMQzX5pKYtOqDUz_cetGJL3 txKL1L-K2j1Enoq8An8hEM6e8J0KdAiwrYFO3W3CmWedaoz95K9ghNZVCs28 Td2Sp3Ix3fObxbrvanocx9_OT8S9uM8hdSXmBI_ykTWvOVgK4hO24V3DJy4b 9bz1FtgOvrClhELxCe8dJy7jiwAR60xczlCF5rna98RMLN6zY4ffjmljKFZ6 QV0KkVppWjEiJn7oFHiIylCX1sSg7sddrGatj0xJzts3GJ8u8_lryUNHaEvJ dWq4Yzwo007AMgxjH9d241Y-g" \ -H "Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: 76cb1b05-cb1e-4adf-863a-b2a94a5ecdcf" \https://
The following example shows the JSON response data for a GET
request to the /restaurants/v1/restaurants/{restaurantGUID}
Get restaurant configuration return data
{ "guid": "76cb1b05-cb1e-4adf-863a-b2a94a5ecdcf","general": {
"archived": false, "name": "Trattoria Roma", "locationName": Fenway, "locationCode": "", "description": "Italian food in a casual atmosphere", "timeZone": "America/New_York", "closeoutHour": 6, "managementGroupGuid": "ae6c32fe-f4d2-4dcc-aa82-f30edac96296" }, "urls": {
"website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "orderOnline": "", "purchaseGiftCard": "", "checkGiftCard": "" }, "location": {
"address1": "401 Park Drive", "address2": "", "city": "Boston", "stateCode": "MA", "zipCode": "02215", "country": "US", "phone": "1112223333", "latitude": 42.344552, "longitude": -71.102756 }, "schedules": {
"daySchedules": { "1495000000000023": { "scheduleName": "Weekdays", "services": [ { "name": "Lunch", "hours": { "startTime": "12:00:00.000", "endTime": "15:59:00.000" }, "overnight": false }, { "name": "Dinner", "hours": { "startTime": "16:00:00.000", "endTime": "22:00:00.000" }, "overnight": false } ], "openTime": "12:00:00.000", "closeTime": "22:00:00.000" }, "1495000000000024": { "scheduleName": "Weekends", "services": [ { "name": "Lunch", "hours": { "startTime": "12:00:00.000", "endTime": "15:59:00.000" }, "overnight": false }, { "name": "Dinner", "hours": { "startTime": "16:00:00.000", "endTime": "22:00:00.000" }, "overnight": false } ], "openTime": "12:00:00.000", "closeTime": "22:00:00.000" } }, "weekSchedule": { "monday": "1495000000000023", "tuesday": "1495000000000023", "wednesday": "1495000000000023", "thursday": "1495000000000023", "friday": "1495000000000023", "saturday": "1495000000000024", "sunday": "1495000000000024" } }, "delivery": {
"enabled": true, "minimum": null, "area": "" }, "onlineOrdering": {
"enabled": true,
"scheduling": false, "specialRequests": true, "specialRequestsMessage": "No substitutes", "paymentOptions": { "delivery": { "cash": true, "ccSameDay": true, "ccFuture": false }, "takeout": { "cash": true, "ccSameDay": true, "ccFuture": false, "ccInStore": true }, "ccTip": true } }, "prepTimes": {
"deliveryPrepTime": 60, "deliveryTimeAfterOpen": 0, "deliveryTimeBeforeClose": 0, "takeoutPrepTime": 30, "takeoutTimeAfterOpen": 0, "takeoutTimeBeforeClose": 0, "takeoutThrottlingTime": 0, "deliveryThrottlingTime": 0 } }
The GUID of the restaurant from which configuration information is retrieved. |
General information about the
restaurant. The name of this sample restaurant is |
The web addresses for the restaurant. |
The physical location of the restaurant. |
The schedules and services
provided by the restaurant. This sample restaurant has two day
schedules, named |
The delivery service of the restaurant. In this sample restaurant, a delivery service is available. |
The online ordering service provided by the restaurant. In this sample restaurant, a delivery service is available, orders are fulfilled as soon as possible, and both cash and credit card payments are accepted for takeout and delivery orders. |
The |
The scheduled availability of the dining options provided by the restaurant. |