Send a GET
request to the
endpoint of the
restaurant availability API to retrieve a restaurant’s availability to
accept online orders. The restaurant_availability
sends a message when the restaurant’s Toast Autofire™ device
has stopped approving online orders.
This is the fallback endpoint for the
. Toast support recommends using both the API and
the webhook.
Toast support recommends querying this API endpoint every ten minutes to ensure you have consistently accurate information about restaurants' availability to accept online orders. Failure to query the restaurant availability API endpoint could result in restaurants being offline for a longer period of time in the event of a missed webhook event.
For more information, see
Get a restaurant's online ordering availability
In the following example, you send a GET
request to
the /restaurant-availability/v1/availability
with the Toast-Restaurant-External-ID
to retrieve a
restaurant location's online ordering availability.
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJzI1NiJ9hbGciOiJSU.eyJhd9yaXR5Ij oiQ1JVTkNIVElNRSIsInJzR3VpZCI6IjE4YzQ5YWJlLWFlODItNGFlYy04ND M1LWJhYTRjMjVlYTY2MiIsInNjb3BlIjpbImxWQiOlsidG9hc3QiXSwibmFt aW5nQXV0aGhYm9yIiwib3JkZXJzIiwidXNlcm1nbXQiXSwiZXhwIjoxNDg0M zg5ODUwLCJqdGkiOiJlMDYzZjJkMy1jNGYyLTRiZjItODJmNi01MTg1NWMzZ DAxM2YiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjcnVuY2h0aW1lIn0.X1_0y9Hzj5F9gdOw2 o6VSYTyZwooAJiFMDmNakbZrtiUdYwLzuLwLpCMQzX5pKYtOqDUz_cetGJL3 txKL1L-K2j1Enoq8An8hEM6e8J0KdAiwrYFO3W3CmWedaoz95K9ghNZVCs28 Td2Sp3Ix3fObxbrvanocx9_OT8S9uM8hdSXmBI_ykTWvOVgK4hO24V3DJy4b 9bz1FtgOvrClhELxCe8dJy7jiwAR60xczlCF5rna98RMLN6zY4ffjmljKFZ6 QV0KkVppWjEiJn7oFHiIylCX1sSg7sddrGatj0xJzts3GJ8u8_lryUNHaEvJ dWq4Yzwo007AMgxjH9d241Y-g" \-H "Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: 27d35c6a-7068-49f7-bee0-25e654e1227a" \
Include an authentication token. For more information, see Authentication and restaurant access. |
Specify the location GUID of the restaurant whose online ordering availability you want to retrieve. |
Ordering availability response for an online restaurant
The following example shows an online restaurant location's ordering availability.
{ "restaurantGuid": "00000000-05f4-55a4-0000-0000020f4be3", "status": "ONLINE", "reasonKey": "AVAILABILITY_ONLINE", "reason": "Restaurant is approving online orders" }
Ordering availability response for an offline restaurant
The following example shows an offline restaurant location's ordering availability.
{ "restaurantGuid": "00000000-05f4-55a4-0000-0000020f4be3", "status": "OFFLINE", "reasonKey": "AVAILABILITY_OFFLINE", "reason": "Restaurant cannot accept online orders" }