Authentication and restaurant access

Toast APIs use the OAuth 2 client-credentials grant type to authenticate access to secure resources. When you send requests to secure API resources, you include an OAuth 2 bearer authentication token in the Authorization HTTP header field of your request.


The authentication endpoint and procedure described here replaced an earlier Toast API authentication service. If your integration uses the legacy authentication endpoint, you must implement support for the authentication process described here. For information about the legacy authentication endpoint and process, see Legacy API authentication (deprecated).

About authentication tokens

An authentication token is an encoded text string that you can get from the authentication API (/authentication). To request an authentication token, you send the client identifier and client secret in the message body of a POST request to the /authentication/login endpoint of the authentication API (/authentication/v1/authentication/login).

Authentication tokens are valid for a limited period of time. The length of time is determined by the Toast API environment that you use. When it returns the token, the authentication API response specifies how long an authentication token is valid. After an authentication token expires, you must get a new token from the authentication API.

Credential storage guidelines

API credentials provide access to valuable and sensitive information and must be saved in a secure way. If your API credentials are exposed, the Toast integrations team deactivates the compromised credentials and generates new ones.

To decrease the likelihood of exposing your API credentials, follow these guidelines for your production and sandbox API credentials.

Do this

It is best to do the following things:

  • Save your API credentials as environment variables. If your team needs local access to credential strings, share them using a secret management service and store them in local environment variables.

  • Programmatically retrieve your API credentials at runtime from a secret management service. This allows you to rotate credentials without the need to update environment variables.

  • When possible, visually mask your client secret to decrease the likelihood of displaying the secret when you use a screen-sharing service or when other people can see your computer display.

Don't do this

It is best not to do the following things:

  • Do not store API credentials in your Toast integration code.

  • Do not store API credentials in any repositories saved to the cloud, whether public or private.

  • Do not display your client secret while using a screen-sharing service.

  • Do not send an unencrypted client secret via email or in a messenger application.

Indicators of credential compromise

If any of the following things occurs, your API credentials are considered compromised. Contact Toast support immediately so that you can receive a new client secret.

  • Your client secret is committed to a repository that is not a purpose-built secret management service.

  • Your client secret is deployed in your code.

  • Somebody sends your client secret in plain text via email or on a messenger application.

  • Your client secret is displayed on a screen-share recording that is saved to the cloud.

  • You have any other known or suspected security breach.

Getting an authentication token

Making the request

To get an authentication token, you send a POST request to the /authentication/login endpoint of the Toast authentication API. The following example shows the URL of the endpoint.


You must include your client identifier and client secret string in the message body of a POST request for an authentication token. You receive a client identifier string (clientId) and client secret string (clientSecret) from the Toast support team. Follow these guidelines when storing your API credentials.

When the authentication API determines that the client identifier and client secret string are valid, it returns an authentication token along with a set of data describing the way you can use it. For more information, see Toast API accounts.

You include the following JSON object in the message body parameter of an /authentication/login endpoint request.

Message body parameter for an /authentication/login endpoint request

  "clientId": "myToastApiClientIdentifier",1
  "clientSecret": "myToastApiClientSecret",2
  "userAccessType": "TOAST_MACHINE_CLIENT"3


The identifier string for your Toast API client. You receive the identifier string from the Toast integrations team.


The secret string that corresponds to your Toast API client. You receive the secret string from the Toast integrations team.


Always include the userAccessType value and set it to TOAST_MACHINE_CLIENT.

The following curl command requests an authentication token from the /authentication/login resource. For more information about the curl utility, see

Authentication request using curl program command

curl -X POST \1
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \2
-d @file-containing-message-body-parameter.json \3


Use the POST HTTP method to make an authentication request.


Include the HTTP Content-Type header field and set its value to application/json.


Include a JSON object including your client identifier and client secret in the message body parameter. See Message body parameter for an /authentication/login endpoint request.


Send the request to the /authentication/login endpoint of the authentication API.

Authentication return data

The return data that you receive depends on the type of Toast API client you are using. Toast APIs support partner clients and restaurant management group clients. For more information about the types of Toast API clients, see Toast API accounts.

Authentication return data for a partner API client

The authentication API returns the information shown in the following example for a successful authentication request using a partner API client. For more information about partner API accounts, see Toast API accounts.

Authentication return data for a partner API client

  "@class": ".SuccessfulResponse",1
  "token": {
    "tokenType": "Bearer",2
    "scope": null,3 
    "expiresIn": 19168,4
    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwYXJ0bmVyR35
    "idToken": null,6
    "refreshToken": null7
  "status": "SUCCESS"8


For internal use.


The OAuth 2 authentication scheme used for the authentication token. Toast API authentication uses the bearer authentication scheme.


The scope value in your authentication token request response will be null. Your JSON Web Token (JWT) contains your list of scopes.


The number of remaining seconds that the authentication token is valid. For more information, see Refreshing authentication tokens.


A JSON Web Token (JWT) string that contains an authentication token. You present this string when you make requests to other Toast API resources. The JWT includes information about your Toast API client. For more information, see JWT payload contents for partner API client access token.


For internal use.


For internal use.


Indicates that your authentication request was successful.

The following example shows the JWT payload contents for a partner API client access token.

JWT payload contents for partner API client access token

  "": "23a8eca9-b403-45bf-cd66-fb36a85be556",3
  "": "CUSTOMER",4
  "iss": "[Toast-token-issuer]",5
  "sub": "my-client-id@clients",6
  "aud": "https://toast-services-api/",7
  "iat": 1603107025,8
  "exp": 1588176466,9
  "azp": "my-client-id",10
  "scope": "orders:read menus:read",11
  "gty": "client-credentials"12


A human-readable name representing your API client.


The types of users that can authenticate through the system. For API clients, this is TOAST_MACHINE_CLIENT. TOAST_MACHINE_CLIENT represents the type of access credentials issued to services that use Toast APIs.


The unique Toast platform identifier for the integration partner organization.


The type of client requesting authentication. For partner API clients, this is PARTNER.


The issuer of the authentication token.


The subject of the token being issued. This value will be set to your client identifier and the string @clients.


The intended audience of your API usage.


A standard JWT claim indicating the time that the authentication token was issued. The time is presented in UNIX epoch format.


A standard JWT claim indicating the time that the authentication token expires. The time is presented in UNIX epoch format.


A standard JWT claim containing the identifier for the Toast API client. You receive the identifier string from the Toast integrations team.


The API functionality that your client ID is provisioned to use. For more information about API scopes, see API scopes page.


The grant type of this API client. This value will be client-credentials.

Authentication return data for a restaurant management group API client

The authentication API returns the information shown in the following example for a successful authentication request using a restaurant management group API client. For more information about restaurant management group API accounts, see Toast API accounts.

Authentication return data for a restaurant management group client

  "@class": ".SuccessfulResponse",1
  "token": {
    "tokenType": "Bearer",2
    "scope": null,3 
    "expiresIn": 19168,4
    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwYXJ0bmVyR35
    "idToken": null,6
    "refreshToken": null7
  "status": "SUCCESS"8


For internal use.


The OAuth 2 authentication scheme used for the authentication token. Toast API authentication uses the bearer authentication scheme.


The scope value in your authentication token request response will be null. Your JSON Web Token (JWT) contains your list of scopes.


The number of remaining seconds that the authentication token is valid. For more information, see Refreshing authentication tokens.


A JSON Web Token (JWT) string that contains an authentication token. You present this string when you make requests to other Toast API resources. The JWT includes information about your Toast API client. For more information, see JWT payload contents for restaurant management group API client access token.


For internal use.


For internal use.


Indicates that your authentication request was successful.

The following example shows the JWT payload contents for a restaurant management group API client access token.

JWT payload contents for restaurant management group API client access token

  "": "0423ad35-8ba2-45cf-9b6b-7da03f982c46",3
  "": "CUSTOMER",4
  "iss": "[Toast-token-issuer]",5
  "sub": "my-client-id@clients",6
  "aud": "https://toast-services-api/",7
  "iat": 1603107025,8
  "exp": 1588176466,9
  "azp": "my-client-id",10
  "scope": "orders:read menus:read",11
  "gty": "client-credentials"12


A human-readable name representing your API client.


The types of users that can authenticate through the system. For API clients, this is TOAST_MACHINE_CLIENT. TOAST_MACHINE_CLIENT represents the type of access credentials issued to services that use Toast APIs.


The unique Toast platform identifier for the restaurant management group this client can access.


The type of client requesting authentication. For restaurant management group API clients, this is CUSTOMER.


The issuer of the authentication token.


The subject of the token being issued. This value will be set to your client identifier and the string @clients.


The intended audience of your API usage.


A standard JWT claim indicating the time that the authentication token was issued. The time is presented in UNIX epoch format.


A standard JWT claim indicating the time that the authentication token expires. The time is presented in UNIX epoch format.


A standard JWT claim containing the identifier for the Toast API client. You receive the identifier string from the Toast integrations team.


The API functionality that your client ID is provisioned to use. For more information about API scopes, see the API scopes page.


The grant type of this API client. This value will be client-credentials.

Using an authentication token

To use secured Toast API resources, when you make a request you:

  • Present a valid authentication token in the Authorization HTTP header field when you make a request. An authentication token is a text string that you can get from the /authentication/login endpoint of the authentication API. See Getting an authentication token.

    The Toast API uses bearer authentication tokens. You must include the string Bearer in the value of the Authorization HTTP header field, before the token string, to indicate the type of the token. For example, Authorization: Bearer [my-authentication-token].

  • Specify the individual restaurant context for your request in the Toast-Restaurant-External-ID header field.

    To specify the restaurant that is the subject of a Toast API request, you include the Toast system GUID for that restaurant in the Toast-Restaurant-External-ID HTTP header field. For example, Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: 47286e0a4-4fef-9230-b3dae11e7a9.

The following curl command presents an authentication token when it makes a Toast API request.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJzI1NiJ9hbGciOiJSU.eyJhd9yaXR5Ij
dWq4Yzwo007AMgxjH9d241Y-g" \
-H "Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: 4721e7a9-b4ae-4fef-9230-b3dae186e0a4" \