Prerelease tender API documentation

This site provides prerelease, draft documentation for the tender API. It describes how to implement an integration that allows the Toast POS system to process payments using your tender provider service. You build this integration by implementing an API that handles REST requests that the Toast POS system sends to it. The information in this documentation is intended for early review by integration developers. The details of the integration interface can change based on input from this early review.

Because this interface specification is in early draft release, do not start development work until you receive explicit confirmation from your Toast integration contact. If you have questions, please contact the Toast integrations team.

Toast is providing this Tender API product as a Service subject, as applicable, to our Merchant Agreement and/or a Toast Service subject to our API Terms of Use (including the intellectual property, disclaimer, and indemnification language in each, respectively). As of the time this product was created, Toast does not believe creation and provision of the Tender API violates any known patents in this space. However, given that the end-to-end workflow is controlled by the API user and not Toast, we recommend, and the Toast merchant or partner is responsible for, checking with your partners and legal teams on an ongoing basis to ensure your use of the API in a particular workflow doesn't infringe on an existing patent, given that there are many patents in the payment technology space.