
Information about a modifier option configured for this restaurant.


Indicates whether the modifier option may be added to a menu item multiple times.

If a modifier option belongs to a modifier group whose isMultiSelect value is FALSE, then the Toast POS system sets the modifier option’s allowsDuplicates value to FALSE to prevent more than one modifier option being selected for the group.

integer or null

The number of calories in this modifier option. The calories value can be any positive or negative integer, or zero. This value is null if a calories amount has not been configured for the modifier option.

object (ContentAdvisories)

Information about the contents of this menu item or modifier, for example, whether it contains alcohol.


An optional short description of this modifier option.


A unique identifier for this modifier option's item reference, assigned by the Toast POS system. For a detailed description of a modifier option's item reference, see Understanding a modifier option’s item reference in the Toast Platform Guide.

string or null (Image)

The URL to an image that has been uploaded for this menu entity. This value is null if no image has been specified.


Indicates whether this modifier option is included on the menu item by default.

Important: If a menu item is configured to use default modifiers and you submit an order to the orders API for that menu item but you omit those default modifiers, then the Toast POS system assumes you want to omit the default modifiers and they will not be included in the order. For example, consider a Burger menu item that has Lettuce and Tomato as default modifiers. If you submit an order to the orders API for the Burger menu item but omit the Lettuce and Tomato default modifiers in the request, the order ticket will include the Burger but not the Lettuce and Tomato modifier options.

Array of objects (ItemTag)

An array of ItemTag objects that are assigned to this modifier option. Item tags are used to assign identifying characteristics to a modifier option, for example, vegetarian, gluten-free, alcohol.


The name of the modifier option as it appears on kitchen tickets. The kitchenName can include both numbers and letters. This value contains an empty string if a kitchen name has not been configured for the modifier option.

integer <int64> (MasterId)

This value is deprecated. Instead of masterId, use multiLocationId.

An identifier that is used to identify and consolidate menu entities that are versions of each other.

Array of integers >= 0 items

An array of referenceIds for ModifierGroup objects. These objects define nested modifier groups contained in this modifier option. For example, you can have an entree that has a Sides modifier group that contains a Salad modifier option. The Salad modifier option has its own modifier group, Salad Dressing, that includes Ranch, Vinaigrette, and Blue Cheese modifier options. Salad Dressing is a nested modifier group and the individual salad dressings are nested modifier options.

object (ModifierOptionTaxInfo)

Information about the tax rates and tax behavior of this modifier option.

Note: The modifierOptionTaxInfo value always reflects the parent menu item tax rate, unless Toast grants the restaurant the ability to override modifier tax rates. If this permission is not granted, then even if the restaurant configured the modifier with a different tax rate, modifierOptionTaxInfo reflects the parent menu item tax rate.

Note that there are other tax-related features that can impact the tax of a modifier option, such as tax inclusion and smart tax, that are not returned in this ModifierOptionTaxInfo object. For more information, see Tax on modifiers and Tax functionality interaction.

Important: The ModifierOptionTaxInfo object is intended to help you display prices but the /prices endpoint of the orders API is the only supported way to determine the prices of orders that you submit to the orders API. See Order prices in the Toast Developer Guide for more information.

string (MultiLocationId)

An identifier that is used to identify and consolidate menu entities that are versions of each other.

multiLocationId replaces masterId. multiLocationId and masterId always have the same value.

Menu entities can be versioned. Those versions can be assigned to specific restaurant locations, or groups of locations, in a management group. For example, you could have two versions of a burger, one for a Boston location and another for a New York City location. Versioned menu entities share the majority of, but not all of, their data. For example, the Boston version is called the Minuteman Burger and has pickles, while the New York City version is called the Empire Burger and does not.

You use the multiLocationId to identify menu entities that are versions of each other. To continue the example above, the Minuteman Burger in the JSON returned for the Boston location has the same multilocationId as the Empire Burger in the JSON returned for the New York City location. These matching multlocationId values indicate that the two items are related versions of the same item. In Toast reports, this allows a restaurant to track sales of the burger across both locations.

The Toast POS system ensures that once a multilocationId value is assigned to a set of versions within a management group, that multiLocationId is not used for any other version sets in the same management group. It does not guarantee, however, that the multiLocationId is not used by another management group to identify a set of versions within it.

See Toast identifiers in the Toast Developer Guide for more information on the multiLocationId and its relationship to other Toast identifiers.

See Enterprise module overview in the Toast Platform Guide for more information on the enterprise module and versioning.


A descriptive name for this modifier option, for example, "Cheese" or "Pepperoni".


The price lookup (PLU) code for this modifier option. The PLU code can contain both numbers and letters. This value contains an empty string if a PLU code has not been defined.

Array of objects (Portion) >= 0 items

An array of Portion objects that define the portions that this modifier option can be added to. For example, for a pizza menu item, you could define 1st Half and 2nd Half portions and this modifier option could be added to either portion. See Portions overview in the Toast Platform Guide for more information.

string (PosButtonColorDark)

The color of the menu entity's button on the Toast POS app, when the app is running in dark mode.

When an employee configures a POS button's color, they select a color pairing that consists of two colors, one for light mode and one for dark mode. posButtonColorDark contains the HEX code for the dark mode color.

posButtonColorDark defaults to #1a1c23, the HEX code when the WHITE color pairing is chosen.

The following list shows the possible HEX codes for posButtonColorDark, with the associated color pairing in parentheses.

  • #1a1c23 (WHITE)
  • #7e635d (TERRACOTTA_1)
  • #74504D (TERRACOTTA_2)
  • #722e25 (TERRACOTTA_3)
  • #561408 (TERRACOTTA_4)
  • #8f5f3d (ORANGE_1)
  • #7e4116 (ORANGE_2)
  • #803500 (ORANGE_3)
  • #682d03 (ORANGE_4)
  • #7e6b44 (YELLOW_1)
  • #7b5f27 (YELLOW_2)
  • #7c5000 (YELLOW_3)
  • #633d09 (YELLOW_4)
  • #657552 (GRASS_1)
  • #556e34 (GRASS_2)
  • #37570a (GRASS_3)
  • #113a00 (GRASS_4)
  • #637486 (SKY_1)
  • #4d6074 (SKY_2)
  • #2a456b (SKY_3)
  • #213554 (SKY_4)
  • #78668a (LAVENDER_1)
  • #5e4776 (LAVENDER_2)
  • #402960 (LAVENDER_3)
  • #25174f (LAVENDER_4)
  • #6c6c6c (GRAY_1)
  • #5f5f5f (GRAY_2)
  • #474747 (GRAY_3)
  • #404040 (GRAY_4)
string (PosButtonColorLight)

The color of the menu entity's button on the Toast POS app, when the app is running in light mode.

When an employee configures a POS button's color, they select a color pairing that consists of two colors, one for light mode and one for dark mode. posButtonColorLight contains the HEX code for the light mode color.

posButtonColorLight defaults to #f7f7f7, the HEX code when the WHITE color pairing is chosen.

The following list shows the possible HEX codes for posButtonColorLight, with the associated color pairing in parentheses.

  • #f7f7f7 (WHITE)
  • #ffe6e9 (TERRACOTTA_1)
  • #efa49f (TERRACOTTA_2)
  • #f07166 (TERRACOTTA_3)
  • #e45a4e (TERRACOTTA_4)
  • #fbd9b6 (ORANGE_1)
  • #f7be6e (ORANGE_2)
  • #f98c1f (ORANGE_3)
  • #e56f1a (ORANGE_4)
  • #fbf5b6 (YELLOW_1)
  • #fed850 (YELLOW_2)
  • #e9b10c (YELLOW_3)
  • #c78605 (YELLOW_4)
  • #e8f7d4 (GRASS_1)
  • #afe26c (GRASS_2)
  • #71b314 (GRASS_3)
  • #32a206 (GRASS_4)
  • #e3f0fb (SKY_1)
  • #9fc5f0 (SKY_2)
  • #77a5e4 (SKY_3)
  • #558edd (SKY_4)
  • #f1e3fd (LAVENDER_1)
  • #dab2f7 (LAVENDER_2)
  • #b26ee2 (LAVENDER_3)
  • #a270db (LAVENDER_4)
  • #d0d0d0 (GRAY_1)
  • #c3c3c3 (GRAY_2)
  • #b1b1b1 (GRAY_3)
  • #989898 (GRAY_4)
string (PosName)

The button label name that appears for this menu entity in the Toast POS app. posName contains an empty string if a posName has not been defined for the menu entity and the name value is used for the button label instead.

Array of strings

An array of GUIDs for the prep stations that have been assigned to this modifier option.

If a modifier option's item reference has prep stations assigned to it, then the modifier option uses those prep stations. If the modifier option's item reference does not have prep stations assigned to it, then the modifier option inherits the prep stations of the menu group, menu item, or modifier (in the case of nested modifiers) it is modifying.

The array is empty if no prep stations have been assigned to the modifier option.

Related topics:
Routing to prep stations Understanding a modifier option’s item reference

integer or null <int32>

The amount of time, in seconds, that it takes to prepare this modifier option. This value is null if a prep time has not been specified for the modifier option.

Related topics
Using prep times to automate item firing

number or null <double>

The price of this modifier option.

In Toast Web, a modifier option may:

  • Inherit its price from a parent modifier group.
  • Use the price specified for its modifier option item reference.
  • Specify a price that overrides the price defined for its item reference.

The price value is populated differently depending on which of these pricing scenarios is used for the modifier option. The sections below describe how the price value is populated in these different scenarios.

Note: To determine how a modifier option has been priced, you can inspect the modifier option's pricingStrategy value. If it is GROUP_PRICE, then the modifier option is inheriting its price from a parent modifier group. If it is any value other than GROUP_PRICE (for example, MENU_SPECIFIC_PRICE or TIME_SPECIFIC PRICE), then the modifier option is using either the price specified for its item reference or an override price (override prices always use the BASE_PRICE strategy).

Modifier Option Inherits Its Price from a Parent Modifier Group

If the modifier option inherits its price from a parent modifier group and that group uses the:

  • Fixed Price pricing strategy, then the modifier option's price value is populated with the fixed price specified for the parent modifier group. No additional calculations are required.
  • Size Price, Sequence Price, or Size/Sequence pricing strategy, then the modifier option's price value is null. You must use the parent modifier group's pricingStrategy and pricingRules values to calculate the modifier option's price.

Modifier Option Specifies an Override Price

If the modifier option specifies an override price, the price value is set to that override price. No additional calculations are required.

Modifier Option Uses the Price from Its Item Reference

If a modifier option uses the price from its underlying item reference, then the price value is populated using the same logic as the price value for a MenuItem object:

  • For base prices, the price value is populated with the specified base price.
  • For menu-specific prices, the price value is resolved based on the current menu. For example, consider a modifier option that is included in both Lunch and Dinner menus and is priced at $1 for the Lunch menu and $2 for the Dinner menu. In the fully resolved JSON returned by the menus API, this modifier option would appear twice, once as a child of the Lunch menu with a price value of $1, and again as a child of the Dinner menu with a price value of $2.

If this same modifier option is added to a Breakfast menu but a menu-specific price is not defined for the Breakfast menu, then the price value for the instance of the modifier option that appears in the Breakfast menu JSON is populated with the base price from the menu-specific price configuration. Menu-specific price configurations include a base price that functions as a default price when a menu-specific price cannot be resolved.

  • For location-specific prices, the price value is resolved based on the current location. For example, consider a modifier option that costs $2 in the Boston location and $3 in the New York location. When you retrieve menu data for the Boston location, this modifier option's price value is $2. When you retrieve menu data for the New York location, the modifier option's price value is $3.
  • For time-specific prices, the price value is populated with the base price that is specified as part of the time-specific price configuration. This base price functions as a default price for the modifier option during times of the day when a time-specific price has not been defined. For example, consider a modifier option that costs $1 from noon to 2pm and $2 during the rest of the day. The price value for this item would be $2. You must use this modifier option's pricingStrategy and pricingRules values to calculate the price of the modifier option during time periods for which a time-specific price has been defined.
  • For size prices, the price value is null. You must use this modifier option's pricingStrategy and pricingRules values to calculate the price of the modifier option for different sizes.
  • For open prices, the price value is null.

If the modifier option is priced using a price level, the price value reflects the pricing strategy used for the price level, using the same logic described above. For example, consider a price level that applies a size price to the modifier option it is assigned to. In this case, the price value for the modifier option is null and you must use this modifier option's pricingStrategy and pricingRules values to calculate the price of the modifier option for different sizes. Note: For detailed information on modifier option pricing and pricing strategies, see the Menu pricing section in the Toast Platform Guide.

Array of objects or null (PricingRules)

A PricingRules object with information about how to calculate the price for this modifier option. You use a modifier option's pricingRules object, in conjunction with its pricingStrategy value, to calculate a price for the modifier option when the modifier option is individually priced and its price value is null.

Note: If the modifier option is priced at the group level, you must use the pricingRules object of its parent modifier group to calculate its price. A modifier option is priced at the group level if its pricingStrategy value is GROUP_PRICE.

The pricingRules object takes different forms depending on the pricing strategy configured for the modifier option. Use the pricingStrategy value to determine which pricing strategy has been used so that you can properly interpret the data in the pricingRules object. For the BASE_PRICE, and MENU_SPECIFIC_PRICE pricing strategies, the pricingRules object is null because you can retrieve the price from the price value without additional calculation. For the OPEN_PRICE pricing strategy, the pricingRules object is also null (the price of a modifier option whose item reference uses the Open Price pricing strategy is specified at the time that the modifier option is ordered). For the TIME_SPECIFIC_PRICE and SIZE_PRICE pricing strategies, the pricingRules object contains additional values that you use to calculate the modifier option's price.


A string that indicates how this modifier option has been priced. If pricingStrategy is:

  • GROUP_PRICE, then the modifier option inherits its price from a parent modifier group.
  • Any value other than GROUP_PRICE (for example, MENU_SPECIFIC_PRICE or TIME_SPECIFIC PRICE), then the modifier option is using either the price specified for its item reference or an override price (override prices always use the BASE_PRICE strategy).

If the modifier option is using the price of its underlying item reference, and that item reference is priced using the Location Specific Price pricing strategy, then the pricingStrategy value indicates which pricing strategy is used at the current location. For example, consider a modifier option that uses a menu-specific price at the Boston location and a base price at the New York location. When you retrieve the menu data for the Boston location, the pricingStrategy for the modifier option is MENU_SPECIFIC_PRICE. When you retrieve menu data for the New York location, the pricingStrategy for the modifier option is BASE_PRICE.

If the modifier option is using the price of its underlying item reference, and that item reference is priced using a price level, then the pricingStrategy value indicates which pricing strategy is used for that price level. For example, if the "Special Toppings" price level uses a time-specific price, then the pricingStrategy value for a modifier option that is assigned the "Special Toppings" price level is TIME_SPECIFIC_PRICE.

It is important to understand which pricingRules object to use when modifier option prices must be calculated. If the pricingStrategy value is:

  • BASE_PRICE or MENU_SPECIFIC_PRICE, then you can retrieve the modifier option's price from its price value. No additional calculations are required.
  • GROUP_PRICE, then you must use the pricingStrategy and pricingRules values from the modifier option's parent modifier group to calculate the modifier option's price.
  • TIME_SPECIFIC_PRICE or SIZE_PRICE, then you must use the rules provided in this modifier option's pricingRules value to calculate the price for the modifier option.

An integer identifier that is used to refer to this modifier option by modifier option groups that contain it.

object (SalesCategory)

A descriptive category, for example, "Food" or "Liquor" that, when applied to the menu items and modifier options in your menu, allow you to view sales data by category. Null if no sales category has been defined.


The stock keeping unit (SKU) identifier for this modifier option. The SKU identifier can contain both numbers and letters. This value contains an empty string if a SKU has not been defined.

Array of strings

The taxInfo value on the ModifierOption object has been deprecated. An upcoming release will introduce new configuration settings for the taxes on a modifier option. The taxInfo value will not accurately represent these additional configurations. Your integration should switch to using the modifierOptionTaxInfo value instead. See Using taxInfo and modifierOptionTaxInfo to calculate taxes for menu items and modifier options in the Toast Developer Guide for more information.


The unit of measure used to determine the price of the modifier option. For example, $10.00 per gram.

Enum: "NONE" "LB" "OZ" "KG" "G"
Array of strings (Visibility)

An array of strings that indicate where this menu entity is visible:

  • POS: The menu entity is visible in the Toast POS app.

  • KIOSK: The menu entity is visible on a Toast kiosk.

  • TOAST_ONLINE_ORDERING: The menu entity is visible in the Toast online ordering site for this restaurant.

  • ORDERING_PARTNERS: The restaurants wants this menu entity to be visible on online ordering sites that integrate with the Toast POS system using the orders API.

  • GRUBHUB: Deprecated. The menu entity is included during a menu sync to Grubhub and will be visible on the Grubhub online ordering service after a menu sync has completed. Note: Conceptually, the Grubhub configuration option that was associated with the GRUBHUB string in this array has been replaced by the more general Online orders: Ordering partners configuration option and restaurants that used the Grubhub option have been automatically migrated to the new Online orders: Ordering partners option. This means that any menu entity that had the Grubhub option set to Yes will now have the Online orders: Ordering partners option enabled and the ORDERING_PARTNERS enum will be present in the visibility array for it. To support backwards compatibility, the visibility array for these entities will also continue to contain the GRUBHUB enum for a short period of time. See Menu Visibility Enhancements (Rolled Out) for more information.

The visibility array is empty if the menu entity is not configured to be visible for any of the use cases listed above.

  • "referenceId": 0,
  • "name": "string",
  • "kitchenName": "string",
  • "guid": "string",
  • "multiLocationId": "string",
  • "masterId": 0,
  • "description": "string",
  • "posName": "string",
  • "posButtonColorLight": "string",
  • "posButtonColorDark": "string",
  • "prepStations": [
  • "image": "string",
  • "visibility": [
  • "price": 0,
  • "pricingStrategy": "string",
  • "pricingRules": [
  • "salesCategory": {
  • "taxInfo": [
  • "modifierOptionTaxInfo": {
  • "itemTags": [
  • "plu": "string",
  • "sku": "string",
  • "calories": 0,
  • "contentAdvisories": {
  • "unitOfMeasure": "NONE",
  • "isDefault": true,
  • "allowsDuplicates": true,
  • "portions": [
  • "prepTime": 0,
  • "modifierGroupReferences": [