Partners webhook

The partners webhook allows you to receive updates when:

  • Your integration is added to a restaurant location.

  • Your integration is removed from a restaurant location.

  • Your integration's settings in the Toast POS system are updated, for example, when the externalGroupRef or externalRestaurantRef property is updated.

Partners webhook messages follow the standard message data schema. When a message is published to your webhook endpoint for the partner event category, the eventCategory value is set to partner and the eventType is set to one of the following:

The updates published through the partner event category are in addition to the emails you currently receive when your integration is added to or removed from a restaurant location. For more information about how to trigger a webhook event in the partner category, see this Toast Central article.


Your integration has been added to a new restaurant location.

Attributes in the partner_added event's payload include:

Value Description


A unique Toast POS identifier for the restaurant.

data type: string

format: uuid


A unique Toast POS identifier for a group of restaurants. The management group GUID will be the same for all restaurants within the same group. The management group GUID will be null if a restaurant location does not belong to a restaurant management group.

May be null.

data type: string

format: uuid


The human-readable name of the restaurant, set on the Restaurant Info screen of Toast Web.

data type: string


The name of a specific restaurant location, set on the Restaurant Info screen of Toast Web. For example, a restaurant group might assign a location name such as Palo Alto or Boston to identify a specific location. Note that this field is not required by the Toast platform, so it may be empty.

May be null.

data type: string


An identifier for the restaurant group that is recognized by the the partner that made the request to the /restaurants endpoint. This information is entered by the restaurant administrator. If you need information about the restaurant group in this data string, you instruct the restaurant administrator to enter it in the Toast POS system configuration for the integration partner connection.

May be null.

data type: string


An identifier for the restaurant location that is recognized by the partner that made the request to the /restaurants endpoint. This information is entered by the restaurant administrator. If you need information about the restaurant location in this data string, you instruct the restaurant administrator to enter it in the Toast POS system configuration for the integration partner connection.

May be null.

data type: string


The most recent date and time that the partner connection was edited. The date and time are expressed in milliseconds from the UNIX epoch, January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

data type: string

format: date-time


The date and time that the partner connection was created. The date and time are expressed in milliseconds from the UNIX epoch, January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

data type: string

format: date-time


The most recent date and time that the partner connection was edited. The date and time are expressed in ISO 8601 format.

data type: string


The date and time that the partner connection was created. The date and time are expressed in ISO 8601 format.

data type: string


The first name of the restaurant employee who added the integration to the restaurant location.

May be null.

data type: string


The last name of the restaurant employee who added the integration to the restaurant location.

May be null.

data type: string


The email address of the restaurant employee who added the integration.

May be null.

data type: string


The phone number of the restaurant employee who added the integration.

May be null.

data type: string


The phone number of the restaurant location.

May be null.

data type: string


The first line of the restaurant's address.

May be null.

data type: string


The second line of the restaurant's address.

May be null.

data type: string


The city the restaurant location resides in.

May be null.

data type: string


The state the restaurant location resides in.

May be null.

data type: string


The zip code for the restaurant location.

May be null.

data type: string


The north/south geographic coordinate of the restaurant, in decimal degrees.

May be null.

data type: number


The east/west geographic coordinate of the restaurant, in decimal degrees.

May be null.

data type: number

Payload example for the partner_added event

    "timestamp": “2019-09-16T21:01:53.685Z”,
    "eventCategory": "partner",
    "eventType": "partner_added",
    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "details": {
        "restaurantGuid": "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444",
        "managementGroupGuid": "55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999",
        "restaurantName": "Toast Grill & Tap",
        "locationName": "Fenway, Boston, MA",
        "externalGroupRef": null,
        "externalRestaurantRef": null,
        "modifiedDate": 1568667880240,
        "createdDate": 1568667880240,
        "isoModifiedDate": “2019-09-16T21:01:53.685Z”,
        "isoCreatedDate": “2019-09-16T21:01:53.685Z”,
        "createdByFirstName": "Toast",
        "createdByLastName": "Admin",
        "createdByEmailAddress": "",
        "createdByPhoneNumber": null,
        "restaurantPhoneNumber": "6175551234",
        "restaurantAddressLine1": "401 Park Drive"
        "restaurantAddressLine2": null,
        "restaurantCity": "Boston",
        "restaurantState": "MA",
        "restaurantZipCode": "02215",
        "restaurantLatitude": "42.344257",
        "restaurantLongitude": "-71.102181"


Your integration has been removed from a new restaurant location.

The payload for the partner_removed webhook event is identical to the payload for the partner_added event. See partner_added for details.

Payload example for the partner_removed event

    "timestamp": “2019-09-16T21:22:12.825Z”,
    "eventCategory": "partner",
    "eventType": "partner_removed",
    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "details": {
        "restaurantGuid": "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444",
        "managementGroupGuid": "55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999",
        "restaurantName": "Toast Grill & Tap",
        "locationName": "Fenway, Boston, MA",
        "externalGroupRef": null,
        "externalRestaurantRef": null,
        "modifiedDate": 1568667880240,
        "createdDate": 1568667880240,
        "isoModifiedDate": “2019-09-16T21:01:53.685Z”,
        "isoCreatedDate": “2019-09-16T21:01:53.685Z”,
        "createdByFirstName": "Toast",
        "createdByLastName": "Admin",
        "createdByEmailAddress": "",
        "createdByPhoneNumber": null,
        "restaurantPhoneNumber": "6175551234",
        "restaurantAddressLine1": "401 Park Drive"
        "restaurantAddressLine2": null,
        "restaurantCity": "Boston",
        "restaurantState": "MA",
        "restaurantZipCode": "02215",
        "restaurantLatitude": "42.344257",
        "restaurantLongitude": "-71.102181"


Settings have been updated for your integration, for example, the externalGroupRef or externalRestaurantRef configuration has been updated.

The payload for the partner_updated webhook event is identical to the payload for the partner_added event. See partner_added for details.

Payload example for the partner_updated event

    "timestamp": “2019-09-16T21:14:02.142Z”,
    "eventCategory": "partner",
    "eventType": "partner_updated",
    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "details": {
        "restaurantGuid": "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444",
        "managementGroupGuid": "55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999",
        "restaurantName": "Toast Grill & Tap",
        "locationName": "Fenway, Boston, MA",
        "externalGroupRef": "toastgrill",1
        "externalRestaurantRef": "boston01",2
        "modifiedDate": 1568667977351,
        "createdDate": 1568667880240,
        "isoModifiedDate": “2019-09-16T21:14:02.142Z”,
        "isoCreatedDate": “2019-09-16T21:01:53.685Z”
        "createdByFirstName": "Toast",
        "createdByLastName": "Admin",
        "createdByEmailAddress": "",
        "createdByPhoneNumber": null,
        "restaurantPhoneNumber": "6175551234",
        "restaurantAddressLine1": "401 Park Drive"
        "restaurantAddressLine2": null,
        "restaurantCity": "Boston",
        "restaurantState": "MA",
        "restaurantZipCode": "02215",
        "restaurantLatitude": "42.344257",
        "restaurantLongitude": "-71.102181"


The externalGroupRef field has been updated.


The externalRestaurantRef field has been updated.