Credit card payments


A credit card authorization must be associated with an order. This prevents authorization misuse and fines.

You can authorize a credit card payment for a check and then apply that payment to a check when you create an order. The credit cards API processes the authorization for a credit card payment. You can use the authorized credit card payment as the payment for a check that you create in the orders API.

When you authorize a credit card payment, the credit cards API places a hold for the amount of the payment on the card account. For a period of five minutes, you can submit an order to the orders API using that payment. If you do not submit an order using the payment within five minutes, the credit cards API will automatically release the hold. You cannot apply the credit card payment to a check after the credit cards API releases the hold. When you apply a credit card payment to a check, the Toast platform will automatically capture payment from the card account after business hours on the day the order is fulfilled. If it fails to capture payment within four days, it will void the payment for the order.


DISCLAIMER: Compliance with PCI DSS and all other regulations or laws is solely your responsibility. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for consultation with a Qualified Security Assessor or other legal advisor. Please consult a professional advisor for a qualified opinion on the applicability of requirements to your business operations.

For general information about using the orders API, see Orders API overview.

Overview of the credit card authorization and application process

The following procedure provides an overview of the process to authorize and apply a credit card payment.

To authorize and apply a credit card payment for an orders API order

  1. Submit a POST request to the /prices endpoint of the orders API to get the total price of each check in an order. For more information, see Getting check prices before you submit an order.

  2. Generate a UUID unique identifier for the credit card payment.

    The payment UUID is a path parameter for a PUT request to the /merchants/{merchantUuid}/payments/{paymentUuid} resource.

    You use the payment UUID to apply the authorized credit card payment to an order.

    To generate the payment UUID, you must use the algorithm described in version four of the UUID standard.

  3. Submit a PUT request to the /merchants/{merchantUuid}/payments/{paymentUuid} resource of the credit cards API.

    In the message body of the request, include the total price for all checks and encrypted credit card information. For more information, see Authorizing a credit card payment.

  4. Within five minutes, submit a POST request to the /orders endpoint of the orders API to add the order.

    In the JSON message body data for a check, set the guid value of the payment object to the payment UUID of the credit card payment. For more information, see Applying an authorized credit card payment to an orders API check.

If a credit card payment cannot be authorized, the ErrorMessage object typically includes a generic, non-null, error message such as Invalid card data.

Error messages in the credit cards API are intentionally not specific or detailed, to minimize the error information that reaches attackers that are attempting to make fraudulent payments.

For a list of common reasons for card denial, see Card declined message reference.

Authorizing a credit card payment

To authorize a credit card payment for a check, you send a PUT request to the /merchants/{merchantUuid}/payments/{paymentUuid} resource of the credit cards API.

The credit cards API verifies that the credit card account has sufficient funds available and places a hold on the account for the amount of the payment.

PUT request path parameters

  • merchantUuid - The Toast GUID for the restaurant that will collect the funds from the credit card payment.

  • paymentUuid - A UUID unique identifier for the credit card payment. You generate the UUID for the payment. You use the identifier when you apply the credit card payment to a check. To generate the payment UUID, you must use the algorithm described in version four of the UUID standard.

The message body parameter for the PUT request is a JSON PaymentAuthorization object. The PaymentAuthorization object includes the information described in the following list.

PUT request message body parameter information

  • How your integration received the credit card information for the authorization, and whether your organization will store the information for later use

  • Encrypted and non-encrypted information about the credit card account

  • The payment amount and tip amount for the authorization

The following example shows the JSON message body to PUT a credit card payment authorization request.

Authorization request message body

  "encryptedCardData": "FBRdBx38xrQ8UUQTAVUI3mLddkqtuxX6huPOsI
  "keyId": "RSA-OAEP-SHA256::a253759c-1c91-4f22-9db9-71ba24738f8d_PartnerName"2
  "amount": 98.76,3
  "tipAmount": 24.69,4
  "willSaveCard": true,5
  "cardNumberOrigin": "PARTNER_VAULT",6
  "requestMetadata": {
    "localTransactionDate": "2019-08-24T22:00:00.000+0000",7
    "originIPAddr": "",8
    "partnerServiceInfo": {
      "instanceId": "my-api-client"9
    "cardFirst6": "411111",10
    "cardLast4": "1111",11
    "billingAddress": {12
        "name": "Clark Kent",
        "phone": "555-555-5555",
        "address1": "123 Main Street",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "Boston",
        "region": "MA",
        "postalCode": 02215,
        "country": "USA"
    "deliveryAddress": {13
        "name": "Lois Lane",
        "phone": "111-555-5555",
        "address1": "789 Grand Avenue",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "New York",
        "region": "NY",
        "postalCode": 10001,
        "country": "USA"
    "guestIdentifier": "",14
    "guestEmail": "",15
    "userAgent": "Browser/1.0",(16)
    "appName": "Our Company's Amazing Android App",(17)
    "appVersion": "4.2"(18)


Identifying credit card information, including the account number. You must encrypt this information and encode it in base64 format. For more information, see Encrypting credit card information.


The encryption key identifier that you receive from from Toast integration support. The identifier string indicates the algorithm and the specific encryption key used to encrypt the credit card data for the request. For information about encryption algorithms and key identifiers, see Encryption algorithms and Encryption keys and key identifiers.


The price of the check that you will apply the credit card payment to. For information about getting the total price of a check, see Getting check prices before you submit an order.


The amount of the gratuity that the guest applied to the check.


The willSaveCard value indicates whether organizations store restaurant guests' credit card information for future use. true indicates that your organization stores credit card information used in a credit card authorization. false indicates that your organization does not store the credit card information used in a credit card authorization.


The cardNumberOrigin value is used for "card on file" reporting. If your organization uses stored credit card information for a credit card authorization, you must set the value of cardNumberOrigin to PARTNER_VAULT. The default value for cardNumberOrigin is END_USER. For more information, see Using card number origin values.


The date and time when the guest presents their credit card, in ISO 8601 format. The localTransactionDate must be set to the current date and time, and cannot be a future date.


The IP address of the device that the guest used to enter the credit card payment. For example, for an online order, this is the IP address of the computer that the guest used to submit the order.


The origin IP address is essential for detecting and preventing fraud attempts in credit card authorization requests. To prevent disruption to your transaction workflow, ensure the correct origin IP address is used.


An identifier for the server or process that operates as an API client to process the credit card authorization. For example, this might be the identifier of a client software process that appears in log information.


The first six digits of the credit card number. The first six digits are the bank identification number (BIN) for the card. The value must match exactly the information provided in the encrypted card data. This value is required when cardNumberOrigin is END_USER.


The last four digits of the credit card number. The value must match exactly the information provided in the encrypted card data. This value is required when cardNumberOrigin is END_USER.


The billing address associated with the credit card. When cardNumberOrigin is END_USER, billingAddress is required and must include at least a postalCode and country.


A delivery address for the order.


An identifier for the guest making the payment, such as an email address or phone number. This value is required when cardNumberOrigin is END_USER. For more information, see Using guestIdentifier values.


The email address of the guest placing the payment. If an email address is captured, Toast recommends using the same email address as the guestIdentifier. This can help prevent fraudulent transactions. This field is optional.


For payments taken through a web browser, the browser's user agent string.


A company-specific name for the mobile app (if any) the payment is made through. For example, use 'MyCompany Android App' instead of 'Android App'.


The version of the mobile app (if any) that the payment is made through. You can use any string to represent the app version. There are no format or content requirements.

Optimizing fraud detection

The Toast platform performs fraud detection when it authorizes credit card payments. To ensure maximum protection from fraudulent transactions for your organization and for restaurant guests, your integration must send accurate information about the credit card transaction and the transaction type.

Toast platform fraud detection uses the following information from a credit card authorization request:

  • cardNumberOrigin - Indicates whether the credit card information in the authorization request was supplied directly by the guest or from stored credit card information from a previous transaction.

    You include the cardNumberOrigin value in a PaymentAuthorization object in the message body parameter of a credit card authorization request. For more information, see cardNumberOrigin values.

  • guestIdentifier - An identification string that your integration assigns to guests who initiate credit card authorizations.

    You include the guestIdentifier value in the PaymentRequestMetadata object for your credit card authorization request. For more information, see Using guestIdentifier values.

Using card number origin values

The PUT request message body for authorizing a payment includes a cardNumberOrigin value. This value indicates whether:

  • The guest provided the credit card information directly (END_USER)

  • The credit card information was retrieved from secure storage (PARTNER_VAULT)

To ensure that your guests' transactions receive adequate fraud protection, your integration must send the cardNumberOrigin value that correctly indicates the way that your integration acquired credit card information.

  • If a guest provided credit card information directly, you must set the cardNumberOrigin value to END_USER.

  • If your integration retrieved the credit card information from secure storage, you must set the cardNumberOrigin value to PARTNER_VAULT.


If you do not include the cardNumberOrigin value that correctly indicates the source of the credit card information, you reduce the effectiveness of the fraud detection provided by the Toast platform. Make sure that your integration includes the correct cardNumberOrigin value to ensure the most accurate fraud detection and to minimize unnecessarily declined transactions.


When the cardNumberOrigin value is END_USER (the guest provided credit card information directly), the PaymentRequestMetadata object in the requestMetadata value must include the following values:

  • cardFirst6

  • cardLast4

  • billingAddress

  • guestIdentifier

  • originIPAddr

The following table provides more information about the values you include in the cardNumberOrigin value in a PaymentAuthorization object in the message body parameter of a credit card authorization request.

cardNumberOrigin values




The guest provided the credit card information directly.

When the cardNumberOrigin value is END_USER, the PaymentRequestMetadata object in the requestMetadata value must include:

  • cardFirst6

  • cardLast4

  • billingAddress

  • guestIdentifier

  • originIPAddr


Your integration retrieved the credit card information from secure storage.

Even when the cardNumberOrigin value is PARTNER_VAULT, including more information about a credit card in the values in the PaymentRequestMetadata object in the requestMetadata value provides additional fraud protection for your credit card authorization.


When you authorize a payment for a new credit card, you must set the cardNumberOrigin value to END_USER, even if you use an external credit card vaulting service to save guests' credit cards. Setting the cardNumberOrigin value to END_USER gives you additional fraud protection when authorizing payment for new credit cards.

Using guestIdentifier values

The Toast platform uses the guestIdentifier value for fraud evaluation. The guestIdentifier value is a unique identifier for a restaurant guest associated with a credit card payment.

You use the same identifier for a guest even when that guest uses different methods of payment. The guestIdentifier value should be unique per guest but not unique per credit card. In other words, if one guest uses two credit cards, you use the same guestIdentifier when authorizing both cards. An example of a value for the guestIdentifier field is a guest's email address.

If you use the same guestIdentifier value repeatedly on many card authorizations for multiple guests, authorizations using this guestIdentifier are likely to be declined because of the suspicious activity. A guestIdentifier value of 0 will cause credit card authorizations to fail.

Applying an authorized credit card payment to an orders API check

To apply an authorized credit card payment to a check in an orders API order, you include the payment UUID that you authorized as the payment GUID. The Toast platform applies the credit card payment to the check and attempts to capture the funds later in the business day.


You must POST an order within five minutes of the credit card payment authorization. After five minutes, the credit card API automatically voids the payment.

The following example shows the JSON message body data that applies an authorized credit card payment to a check. Most contents of the order object have been omitted from this example. For more information about POSTing orders in the orders API, see Orders API overview.

Example of applying an authorized credit card payment to a check

  "entityType": "Order",

    [contents omitted]

  "checks": [
      "entityType": "Check",

        [contents omitted]

      "payments": [
          "guid": "78700301-55B6-4C0F-8C69-69E8D3593850",1
          "paidDate": "2018-01-24T22:00:00.000+0000",2
          "type": "CREDIT",3
          "amount": "98.76",4
          "tipAmount": "24.69"5


The payment UUID that you assign to the payment when you authorize it in the credit cards API. You supply this UUID in the paymentUuid path parameter for the PUT request to authorize the payment. For more information, see Authorizing a credit card payment.


The date and time when Toast processes the credit card payment, presented in ISO 8601 format. Credit card authorizations expire within seven days, therefore the paidDate cannot be more than seven days after the localTransactionDate. The paidDate is available in reporting data.


The type of payment. For credit card payments, this value is CREDIT.


The price of the check that you will apply the credit card payment to. For information about getting the total price of a check, see Getting check prices before you submit an order.


The amount of the gratuity that the guest applied to the check.

Encrypting credit card information


DISCLAIMER: Compliance with PCI DSS and all other regulations or laws is solely your responsibility. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for consultation with a Qualified Security Assessor or other legal advisor. Please consult a professional advisor for a qualified opinion on the applicability of requirements to your business operations.

When you send a PUT request to authorize a payment in the credit cards API, you include identifying credit card information in the message body data. The JSON payment authorization object in the message body data includes an encryptedCardData value that contains a base64 representation of the encrypted credit card information.

To compose the encryptedCardData value, you include credit card information in a JSON object and encrypt it using the encryption algorithm and RSA public key that corresponds to the encryption key identifier (keyId) that you receive from Toast integration support.

For information about supported encryption algorithms, see Encryption algorithms. For information about key identifiers, see Encryption keys and key identifiers.

The following example shows credit card information that you encrypt and base64 encode in order to generate an encryptedCardData value.

Example credit card information for an encryptedCardData value

  "cardNumber" : "4111111111111111",1
  "zipCode" : "01234",2
  "cvv" : "321",3
  "expMonth" : "01",4
  "expYear" : "20",5
  "country" : "USA"6


The primary account number (PAN) of the card, which the API validates using the ISO-standard Luhn algorithm.


The ZIP or postal code of the card holder's billing address. This value is required, must be numeric, and must not be an empty string. Do not include hyphens (-) in the string.


The three- or four-digit card verification value (CVV) of the card. When cardNumberOrigin is PARTNER_VAULT in the credit card authorization request, the CVV is not required, but it is validated for correctness if it is submitted. If you do not submit a CVV on a credit card authorization request, you can either omit the cvv value on your authorization, or submit a cvv value of null. The cvv value you submit should not be an empty string ("").


The two-digit month of the expiration date for the card.


The two-digit year of the expiration date for the card.


The country of the card holder's billing address, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format.

The following example shows the base64-encoded and encrypted credit card information in the encryptedCardData value.

Base64-encoded and encrypted credit card information in the encryptedCardData value

  "encryptedCardData": "yu3BmKwL65F3UVOrsQEZxhrSyN//QkwIhEjgAFVYV
  "keyId": "RSA-OAEP-SHA256::dff3e2eb-3abd-458c-b7fc-7692202d5895_myKeyIdentifier",
  "willSaveCard": false,
  "cardNumberOrigin": "END_USER",
  "amount": 100.00,
  "tipAmount": 25.00,
  "requestMetadata": {
    "localTransactionDate": "2019-03-11T17:32:00.000+0000",
    "originIPAddr": "123.456.78.90",
    "partnerServiceInfo": {
      "instanceId": "myClient"

Encryption algorithms

When you request credit card authorization for a payment, you encrypt credit card information. The public key that you receive from the Toast integrations team uses one of the following encryption algorithms to encrypt credit card information in an authentication request:

  • RSA-OAEP with SHA256 hashing (RSAES-OAEP)

    This algorithm is supported by modern web browsers by default. The Toast integrations team issues encryption keys that use this algorithm.

  • RSA-OAEP with SHA1 hashing (RSAES-OAEP)


    The RSA-OAEP with SHA1 hashing padding encryption algorithm is deprecated.

Identifying the encryption algorithm in an authorization request

The encryption key identifier string that you receive from the Toast integrations team identifies the algorithm that you use to encrypt credit card information.


You must use the encryption algorithm that corresponds to the encryption key that you receive from the Toast integrations team. Do not alter any part of the encryption key identifier string. Do not use the contents of the identifier string to control any part of your integration software.

The encryption key identifier string includes:

  • The identification string for the algorithm

  • Two colon characters

  • The identifier of the public encryption key that you received from the Toast integrations team

For more information about key identifiers, see Encryption keys and key identifiers.

The following example shows the identification string for an encryption algorithm and the identifier of a public encryption key in a keyId value.


The following table includes the identification strings for the encryption algorithms that you can use in credit cards API authorization requests.

Identification strings for encryption algorithms


Identification string

RSA-OAEP with SHA256 hashing


RSA-OAEP with SHA1 hashing, deprecated


For more information about making an authorization request, see Authorizing a credit card payment.


The RSA-OAEP with SHA1 hashing encryption algorithm is deprecated.

Example encryption using RSA OAEP with SHA256 hashing

The following example UNIX command-line command uses the openssl version 1.1.1 utility to encrypt and base64 encode a file that contains JSON credit card information. This example command is intended for integration development and testing. It is not suitable for production use.

Example openssl commands to encrypt and base64 encode an encryptedCardData value

openssl pkeyutl \1
-in my-credit-card-information.json \2
-encrypt -pubin -inkey my-public-key.pem \3
-pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256 -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 \4
| openssl base64 \5
| tr -d "\n"6


The pkeyutl command for the openssl utility can encrypt values. For more information, see the openssl utility documentation.


The -in argument provides the path to a file holding the JSON credit card information. See Example credit card information for an encryptedCardData value.


The -inkey argument provides the path to a file holding the RSA public key that corresponds with your Toast API client identifier.


These arguments set openssl utility options to use the RSA-OAEP with SHA256 hashing encryption algorithm.


The base64 command for the openssl utility encodes binary data in base64 format.


This tr command strips new line characters out of the base64-encoded credit card information. Removing new line characters makes it easier to include the base64-encoded string in the JSON encryptedCardData value for a credit cards API authorization request.

Encryption keys and key identifiers

When you make a credit card authorization request, you specify the identifier of the encryption key that you are using. The Toast integrations team can issue you multiple encryption keys to make it easier for you to refresh your keys without interrupting your credit cards API integration. Specifying which key you use to encrypt credit card information allows the Toast platform to use the correct algorithm and private key to decrypt the information in your request.

In an authorization request, you include the identifier of the public encryption key that you received from the Toast integrations team in the keyId value of a PaymentAuthorization object in the request message body. For information about encryption algorithm identifiers, see Identifying the encryption algorithm in an authorization request.

For more information about making an authorization request, see Authorizing a credit card payment.

Testing encryption in the sandbox environment

You can test encrypting credit card information for credit cards API authorization requests in the sandbox environment.

  • The sandbox environment supports the RSA-OAEP with SHA256 and SHA1 hashing encryption algorithms.

  • You receive separate encryption keys from Toast integrations support for the production and sandbox environments. Encryption keys for the sandbox environment do not work in the production environment.

  • You can use a test public encryption key for the sandbox environment. The Toast integrations support team provides you with a test encryption key.

  • In the sandbox environment, the credit cards API does not validate whether the CVV, ZIP code or expiration date you submit are formatted correctly. For more information about the correct way to format these values see Encrypting credit card information.

For more information about Toast API environments, see Environments.