Important |
The authentication method described in this section is deprecated. The preferred authentication method for the Toast loyalty API is static API key authentication. For information about using static API authentication, see Authenticating outbound API requests. |
You can verify that loyalty transaction requests are from the Toast
platform by validating the JSON Web Token (JWT) in the header of every
request. Each loyalty transaction request includes a JWT in the
header field.
You can validate the JWT for a request with a public key that you get from the Toast API user management service.
You use the public key that matches the Toast environment that you are integrating with. For information about Toast API environments, see Environments.
For the production environment (real transactions) send a
request to the following endpoint.https://
/usermgmt/v1/oauth/token_key -
For the sandbox environment (testing transactions) send a
request to the following endpoint.https://
Note |
The Toast integrations team supplies the host names for Toast API environments during your integration process. |
A Toast public key for partner API authentication is an X.509 Public Key encoded in DER in PEM format.
The following example shows the public key string in the JSON
response from the /usermgmt/v1/oauth/token_key
endpoint. The
JSON value named value
contains the public key string. The
key string in this example is not functional.
Example Public Key for Partner API Authentication
"value":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nnub\nvwIDAhqhkiG9w0BAQEJ9tKko/3jXqdzI/NO4n
sAt0WZjpyovan2xPIkCv2z\nuaBBVUrOiJ6JeoJ9tKko/3jXqdzI/NO4nsLW5wq5UrPXsvbdXLZzMhu3b3 sNmFJ9tKko/3jX5AEBaf5vXZCOfBVFnWnhLX61/KkI2dxwhS7fkxnjQ8wlfrh4tp3fKjDkI\nMgxTk1teh fWY0O3mKyKtnYvqvDSRvsZ03URzyEPddVYDYZjpyovan2xPypKRvBlxz\nxhM74p8dOhEp6zAh4pENVNyp o+xVj/7Ko9Ie3fKjDkI\nMgxTk1tehCcNP1G/8UK\nE6oPta6r3e1Fi77K\nE6oPta66HP5KCur3mf3jQ6 Qc99xVQ8wlfrh4tp56yjRnub\nvwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" }
The |
The |
The |
You can validate JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) using several libraries for common programming languages. For more information about working with JWTs, see The JWT web site also includes a tool that you can use to verify a token manually.
Typically, the Toast integrations team does not change the key pair used to sign JWTs. You can cache the public key that you get from the Toast API user management service. You do not need to get a new copy of the public key every time you verify an incoming request.
To maintain security, the Toast integrations team may replace the key pair at any time. When the key pair changes, you must get a new public key from the user management service.
To make your integration more flexible when the Toast integrations team replaces the key pair, get and cache a new copy of the public key each time you start your service. When the Toast integrations team replaces the key pair, you can stop and restart your service to refresh the public key.