Finding an order or check GUID

The following sections detail multiple methods for locating either an order GUID or a check GUID.

How to locate an order GUID

  • If you have created an order using the orders API, the response from the POST request contains the order GUID. For more information about creating orders see Creating orders.

  • Send a GET request to the /ordersBulk endpoint and retrieve the details for orders updated during a specific time interval. The order details include the order GUID. See Getting detailed information about multiple orders for more information on using the /ordersBulk endpoint.

  • Locate the order in Toast Web using the Orders report from Reports > Sales > Orders. Use the View filter, at the top of the report, to help locate your order. Once located, select the order, and the GUID is displayed as seen below.

    Shows the Order Details page with the order GUID emphasized.

How to locate a check GUID

  • If you know the order GUID, you can send a GET request to the /orders endpoint and retrieve the order details, which include the check GUID. See Getting detailed information about one order.

  • Locate the order in Toast Web using the Orders report from Reports > Sales > Orders. Use the date selector to locate your order. Once located, select the order, and find the check. The GUID is displayed as seen below.

    Shows the Order Details page with the check GUID emphasized.