Getting detailed information about one order

You can use the orders API to retrieve detailed information about a single order. To identify the order to return, you use the order GUID.

How to make the request

To request details for a single order, you must have the order GUID.

You send a GET request to the /orders/{guid} endpoint.

Example request for detailed information about one order

The following example shows a request for detailed information about one order.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJzI1NiJ9hbGciOiJSU.eyJhd9yaXR5Ij
dWq4Yzwo007AMgxjH9d241Y-g" \1
-H "Toast-Restaurant-External-ID: 4622e7a9-b4be-3fef-9220-b3dad273e0b4" \2


Include an authentication token. For more information, see Authentication and restaurant access.


Specify the GUID of the restaurant that created the orders. This must be the GUID of an individual restaurant. It cannot be the GUID of a restaurant group.


Send a GET request to the /orders/{guid} endpoint of the orders API. Specify the GUID of the order as a path parameter.

Example response data

The following example shows the response data from the /orders/{guid} endpoint. It contains detailed information about one order.

  "guid": "017fdd94-4a30-4657-9475-b1a684758531",1
  "entityType": "Order",
  "externalId": null,
  "revenueCenter": {
      "guid": "9ab6a5cf-32e0-47ee-9fd3-c73507ef3c01",
      "entityType": "RevenueCenter",
      "externalId": null
  "server": {
    "guid": "5c305143-183f-49cf-b4d5-49a610826822",
    "entityType": "RestaurantUser",
    "externalId": null
  "lastModifiedDevice": {
    "id": "175785aa78a7c4dc"
  "createdDevice": {
      "id": "175785aa78a7c4dc"
  "deliveryInfo": {2
    "address1": "401 Park Drive",
    "address2": "Suite 801",
    "city": "Boston",
    "state": "MA",
    "zipCode": "02215",
    "latitude": 42.3446671,
    "longitude": -71.1023575,
    "notes": ""
  "serviceArea": null,
  "curbsidePickupInfo": {3
    "entityType": "CurbsidePickup",
    "notes": "Convertible with top down",
    "transportColor": "blue",
    "transportDescription": "Street Cruiser"
  "numberOfGuests": 1,
  "diningOption": {
    "guid": "d527b5cf-96d2-41dc-92e6-8e9ca1ed36bd",
    "entityType": "DiningOption",
    "externalId": null
  "source": "In Store",
  "voidDate": null,
  "openedDate": "2019-02-24T13:48:44.206+0000",
  "duration": 54,
  "businessDate": 20190224,
  "voidBusinessDate": null,
  "checks": [
      "guid": "9f42438a-a375-4983-9f80-c0dae5c33196",
      "entityType": "Check",
      "externalId": null,
      "displayNumber": "2",
      "amount": 1.0,
      "tabName": "Toasty Toaster",
      "taxExempt": false,
      "payments": [
          "guid": "e8cee462-78b4-4d83-a8ac-6006903f36d7",
          "entityType": "OrderPayment",
          "externalId": null,
          "originalProcessingFee": 0.04,
          "amount": 1.06,
          "tipAmount": 0,
          "amountTendered": 0,
          "cashDrawer": null,
          "cardType": "VISA",
          "lastModifiedDevice": {
              "id": "175785aa78a7c4dc"
          "createdDevice": {
              "id": "175785aa78a7c4dc"
          "refundStatus": "NONE",
          "houseAccount": null,
          "type": "CREDIT",
          "voidInfo": null,
          "otherPayment": null,
          "paidDate": "2019-02-24T13:49:38.617+0000",
          "cardEntryMode": "PRE_AUTHED",
          "paymentStatus": "CAPTURED",
          "paidBusinessDate": 20190224,
          "last4Digits": "1111",
          "refund": null
      "appliedDiscounts": [],
      "voidDate": null,
      "openedDate": "2019-02-24T13:48:44.206+0000",
      "totalAmount": 1.06,
      "lastModifiedDevice": {
          "id": "175785aa78a7c4dc"
      "createdDevice": {
          "id": "d64b3fd17cad3db2"
      "selections": [
          "guid": "69684faa-c35d-4ab4-9bff-41805ae52276",
          "entityType": "MenuItemSelection",
          "externalId": null,
          "itemGroup": {
            "guid": "46c963b8-a4c8-4cd0-9b7e-e1c431ed0b53",
            "entityType": "MenuGroup",
            "externalId": null
          "deferred": false,
          "item": {
            "guid": "a7b9ee4d-e41b-46ac-9ba4-d56dd7b2fb20",
            "entityType": "MenuItem",
            "externalId": null
          "quantity": 1,
          "receiptLinePrice": 1,4
          "preDiscountPrice": 1,
          "voidReason": null,
          "optionGroup": null,
          "displayName": "test",
          "appliedDiscounts": [],
          "tax": 0.06,
          "modifiers": [],
          "seatNumber": -1,5
          "voidDate": null,
          "fulfillmentStatus": "SENT",
          "optionGroupPricingMode": null,
          "salesCategory": {
              "guid": "b6a5fa5c-5b4f-49ca-a49f-d35814110f81",
              "entityType": "SalesCategory",
              "externalId": null
          "selectionType": "NONE",
          "voidBusinessDate": null,
          "createdDate": "2019-02-24T13:48:44.806+0000",
          "preModifier": null,
          "price": 1,
          "modifiedDate": "2019-02-24T13:49:39.252+0000",
          "voided": false,
          "diningOption": {
              "guid": "d527b5cf-96d2-41dc-92e6-8e9ca1ed36bd",
              "entityType": "DiningOption",
              "externalId": null
          "appliedTaxes": [
              "entityType": "AppliedTaxRate",
              "taxRate": {
                "guid": "d5b88c05-1348-42ef-b1d3-577a83d70a80",
                "entityType": "TaxRate"
              "name": "State Tax",
              "rate": 0.0625,
              "taxAmount": 0.06,
              "type": "PERCENT"
      "voidBusinessDate": null,
      "deleted": false,
      "paidDate": "2019-02-24T13:49:38.616+0000",
      "closedDate": "2019-02-25T11:05:00.024+0000",
      "deletedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
      "modifiedDate": "2019-02-25T11:05:00.024+0000",
      "appliedLoyaltyInfo": null,
      "voided": false,
      "taxAmount": 0.06,
      "appliedServiceCharges": [],
      "paymentStatus": "CLOSED",
      "customer": {6
          "entityType": "Customer",
          "firstName": "Jack",
          "lastName": "Jones",
          "phone": "333-555-5555",
          "email": ""
  "deleted": false,
  "paidDate": "2019-02-24T13:49:38.616+0000",
  "closedDate": "2019-02-25T11:05:00.024+0000",
  "deletedDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
  "restaurantService": {
      "guid": "9d57bbfc-c0e1-4bb0-9cec-ebcb186306bb",
      "entityType": "RestaurantService",
      "externalId": null
  "modifiedDate": "2019-02-25T11:05:00.024+0000",
  "promisedDate": null,
  "voided": false,
  "estimatedFulfillmentDate": null,
  "requiredPrepTime": "PT0S",
  "table": null


The /orders/{guid} endpoint returns an Order JSON object. For more information about the values in the Order object, see the orders API reference documentation.


The deliveryInfo JSON value is only populated if your Toast API client has the delivery_info.address:read scope. For more information about scopes, see Scopes.


The curbsidePickupInfo JSON value is only populated if your Toast API client has the guest.pi:read scope. For more information about scopes, see Scopes.


The receiptLinePrice JSON value is the base price of a menu item without modifiers or quantity applied.


When creating orders, restaurant employees can select the physical seat in which a guest sits. If a seat number is specified, then the seatNumber value on a Selection object represents the seat number associated with the menu item selection. If the menu item selection is shared among multiple seats, then seatNumber is 0. If no seat number is associated with the menu item selection, then seatNumber is -1.


The customer JSON value is only populated if your Toast API client has the guest.pi:read scope. For more information about scopes, see Scopes.