Packaging preferences



Required scope. To read packaging preferences, you need the packaging:read scope. For more information about scopes, see Scopes.

Packaging preferences indicate how a guest would like their order packaged. Preferences could be adding items like utensils, napkins, or straws to include with their takeout or delivery order. Restaurants choose the packaging options that they offer to guests using configuration options in Toast Web.

To apply packaging preferences to an order, you retrieve a restaurant's packaging configuration and apply the preferences that guests select to an order. You can get information about the packaging configuration options for a restaurant from the packaging configuration API.

The following procedure describes the process you use to include packaging preference information in a Toast platform order:

  1. Retrieve the packaging preference configuration for a restaurant using the packaging configuration API. A packaging preference configuration describes options for meal packaging items such as utensils or napkins.

    For more information, see Getting packaging preference configuration options.

  2. In your ordering interface, ask guests to select their packaging preferences during the ordering process. The packaging preference questions you include are based on the packaging options that the restaurant configured.

  3. Submit the packaging preferences that a guest chooses for an order using the orders API.

    For more information, see Creating an order with packaging preferences.

Working with packaging preferences

The following sections further describe the way that you retrieve restaurant packaging options configuration and apply guest packaging preferences to an order.

Getting packaging preference configuration options

Before you can submit an order with packaging preferences, you must retrieve the packaging preference configuration information for a restaurant from the packaging configuration API.

The packaging preference configuration information that you get from the packaging configuration API includes the identifier GUID for each packaging option. You use the identifier GUIDs for packaging options when you submit packaging preferences with an order.

The following procedure describes how to retrieve packaging preference information for a restaurant, including the packaging option identifier GUIDs.

Send a request to retrieve packaging preferences

  1. Send a GET request to the published/packagingConfig endpoint of the packaging configuration API. A successful response returns packaging preference configuration GUIDs. The package preference configuration GUIDs are found in the id field of the response.

    See the response data from the published/packagingConfig endpoint for a restaurant with multiple packaging preferences configured in Example response data from the published/packagingConfig endpoint.

  2. Get the identifier GUIDs for each packaging option from the id value to use when you create an order.

Some local regulations require third-party ordering platforms to clearly state that a restaurant does not offer single-use utensils if a restaurant does not indicate packaging preferences in the online ordering experience. Due to such regulations, if a restaurant chooses not to make single-use foodware available through their online ordering menu, the enabled field is set to true but the items array is empty. This configuration indicates that the restaurant has chosen not to make single-use foodware accessories available on their online menu.


Compliance with all packaging-related regulations and laws is solely the restaurant's responsibility. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for consultation with a legal advisor. Please consult a professional advisor for a qualified opinion on the applicability of requirements to your business operations.

Example response data from the published/packagingConfig endpoint

    "enabled": true, 1
    "items": [
            "id": "0632bedc-9a09-4cd2-9575-f2ff189f5f2e",2
            "itemTypes": [
            "guestDisplayName": "Include utensils and napkins", 3
            "guestInclusionType": "OPT_IN",4
            "guestDescription": "Include 4 sets of utensils and one pack of napkins"5
            "id": "be9c8aac-9d7f-4ff5-bfdd-f7d2fcb4711f",
            "itemTypes": [
            "guestDisplayName": "Pack in plastic bag",
            "guestInclusionType": "OPT_OUT",
            "guestDescription": null
    "guestMessage": "Thank you for helping our restaurant remain eco-friendly!" 6


The enabled value indicates whether the restaurant is currently using the packaging preferences in this object. If TRUE, you display the packaging options to guests in your ordering interface. If FALSE, do not display the options.


The id value holds the packaging preference GUID needed when submitting your order POST request. Multiple packaging preferences can be mapped to a single id.


The guestDisplayName value is the packaging preferences question that the restaurant intends to show to a guest in your ordering interface. This value should display different packaging preference types appropriately and is defined by your restaurant team.


The guestInclusionType value defines how the guest should interact with the packaging preference. Possible options are OPT_IN and OPT_OUT. OPT_IN means that a guest will have to complete an action to include packaging preferences such as selecting a checkbox. OPT_OUT means that a guest has complete an action to opt out of packaging such as de-selecting a checkbox.


Use the guestDescription value to further describe the packaging option, in addition to the guestDisplayName.


The guestMessage value includes an optional message, configured by the restaurant, that you show to guests in your ordering interface.

Creating an order with packaging preferences

After you retrieve the packaging preference configuration information for a restaurant and get a guest's packaging preferences in your ordering interface, you submit the order using the orders API. To submit an order with packaging preferences, you use the AppliedPackagingInfo and AppliedPackagingItems objects. For information about these objects, see the orders API reference documentation.


The AppliedPackagingInfo object is optional. Orders that are submitted without this object are still accepted by the orders API.

The procedure below describes how to apply packaging preferences to an order. For more information about the orders API, see the orders API overview.

To apply packaging preferences to an order

  1. Add the AppliedPackagingInfo object to your order. The AppliedPackagingInfo object contains the AppliedPackagingItems object. The AppliedPackagingItems object contains the itemConfigId value and this is where you add the packaging preferences GUIDs.

  2. Add the packaging preferences GUIDs to the itemConfigID value in the AppliedPackagingItems object.

  3. Send a POST request to the /orders/v2/orders/ endpoint.

The examples below show an order request and response that includes multiple packaging preferences.

Packaging preferences orders API POST message body

  [content omitted]

  "diningOption": {
    "guid": "0fbb34e4-5495-4e9d-b050-d96155a4de4a"
  "appliedPackagingInfo": {
    "appliedPackagingItems": [
        "itemConfigId": "0632bedc-9a09-4cd2-9575-f2ff189f5f2e",1
        "inclusion": "YES"2
        "itemConfigId": "be9c8aac-9d7f-4ff5-bfdd-f7d2fcb4711f",
        "inclusion": "YES"

  [content omitted]


The identifier GUID of the packaging preference option. You get the identifiers for a restaurant's packaging options from the packaging configuration API. For more information, see Getting packaging preference configuration options.


The packaging preference choice that the guest selected in your ordering interface. The value YES indicates that the guest wants the restaurant to include the packaging option for the order.

The example below shows the response data for a request to create an order that includes packaging preferences.

Packaging preferences orders API POST response message body

  [content omitted]

  "appliedPackagingInfo": {
    "guid": "3061c33b-9245-44c4-a066-73f1e74e4a61",
    "entityType": "AppliedPackagingInfo",
    "appliedPackagingItems": [
        "guid": "db6475e6-dfc1-43a9-9a70-4b8ba1951f43",
        "entityType": "AppliedPackagingItem",
        "itemConfigId": "0632bedc-9a09-4cd2-9575-f2ff189f5f2e",
        "inclusion": "YES",
        "itemTypes": [
        "guestDisplayName": "Include utensils"
  [content omitted]

Request an order with packaging preferences

You can retrieve a single order, or multiple orders in bulk, using the orders API. For information about how to retrieve an order, see the orders API developer documentation.