A restricted order is one that has been closed for a long time, making it unlikely that you will need to reopen or edit it. For example, if an order was opened, paid for, and closed 90 days ago, it is very unlikely that you would need to change it. Restricted orders are protected from changes and the only update allowed is to process a refund.

When you view a restricted order in Toast Web, the Order Details page shows a padlock icon next to the order number. The image below shows an example of a restricted order.
Restricted orders do not have the send to devices or re-open check links on the Toast Web Order Details page that are found on un-restricted orders.
The Toast platform determines when the configured time period has elapsed for a closed order and updates its state to restricted automatically.
To review the time period that the Toast platform uses to automatically assign the restricted state to closed orders you must have the 8.1 Financial Accounts permission. In Toast Web, choose Toast account > Billing > Financial Setup, and then review the value for the Restricted Check Period.
The Restricted Check Period can be configured to one of the following:
End of day
1 day
7 days
30 days
90 days
6 months
Not set
Setting orders to restrict at the end of the day minimizes the need for reporting integrations to request historical order data because the integration can rely on the original order data remaining unchanged.
To update the restricted order time period for your restaurant, contact Toast support. Restaurant employees cannot update the Restricted Check Period configuration option.
Once an order has been marked as restricted, its status cannot be changed to unrestricted. If necessary, Toast support can make the following changes to a restricted order:
Edit the number of guests.
Edit the revenue center.
Restaurant employees cannot make these changes.
Refunding a restricted order uses the standard check refund workflow. Restricted orders paid for using a card, cash, or Toast gift cards can be refunded while restricted orders paid for with house accounts, third-party gift cards, or other payment types cannot be refunded. See Refund permissions and limitations for more information.
Note |
Toast platform reports include restricted order refunds on the date of the refund, and not the date of the original transaction. |
Once an order has become restricted, you cannot void it and must instead refund the order. For more information about when to void or refund an order, see this Toast Central article.