Pending tips when offline

If you experience a bank or credit card processor outage, tips might be in a pending state until the outage is resolved. During an outage, pending tips and payments cannot be processed. Once the outage is resolved, pending tips are automatically reconciled and processed. If an employee is still clocked in their shift when the outage is resolved, reconciled tips will appear on their shift review as normal. If the employee is clocked out, the reconciled tips will go directly to the restaurant.


The Toast POS app supports different currencies.

The Shift Review screen on your Toast POS device displays your pending tips in the shift review report and in the Cash reimbursement step. In the shift review report, pending tips are shown under the Employee Account heading. Any pending tips are displayed as: $ in pending tips not included. For example, $123.47 in pending tips not included.

In the shift review workflow, pending tips are shown in the Cash reimbursement step. Any pending tips are displayed as: An additional $ in non-cash tips is pending. These tips will be available once your checks with pending payments process. Work with your manager to determine how pending tips will be paid out.