When you use a KDS device to keep track of orders, mistakes or changes sometimes happen. You might mark a ticket as fulfilled that is really still in progress, a kitchen or dining room mis-step might require a recently fulfilled item (or entire order) to be prepared again, or the Front of House changes an item after it was fulfilled by the kitchen. The KDS offers the following features to recover a ticket that was marked as fulfilled and redisplay it on the KDS device.
When you use either recall or unfulfill, note the following results.
When an expediter recalls or unfulfills, the ticket redisplays on the expediter screen and on each contributing prep station screen.
When a line cook recalls or unfulfills a ticket that is routed to multiple prep stations, the ticket redisplays on all of those prep station screens.
When you change an item after the corresponding ticket was fulfilled in the kitchen, the KDS device unfulfills the item and marks the ticket as recalled.
The recall feature allows you to quickly recover from a situation in which you realize right away that you marked the wrong ticket as being fulfilled.
To unfulfill the ticket that was most recently fulfilled on a KDS device and redisplay it, tap Recall on the KDS device.

After you recall a ticket, the system redisplays it with the label "Recalled".

You can tap Recall more than once. Each time, the KDS device unfulfills and redisplays the next most recently fulfilled ticket.
Note |
You can recall a ticket for the length of time defined by Recently Fulfilled Timeframe. You cannot recall tickets fulfilled prior to this timeframe (for example, more than 30 minutes ago). |
To review fulfilled tickets and then choose which one you want to unfulfill, tap Show Recently Fulfilled on the KDS device.

The KDS device changes to show fulfilled tickets in addition to tickets that are in progress or waiting for fulfillment. The set of tickets that appears is limited to tickets fulfilled within the period of time set by Recently Fulfilled Timeframe. (During high-volume periods, the system may use a shorter timeframe.) Show Recently Fulfilled changes to Hide Recently Fulfilled so that you can return to the normal KDS view.
The unfulfill feature allows you to selectively find and re-send a ticket. After you unfulfill a ticket, the system redisplays it with the label "Recalled" to help communicate why the ticket reappears at prep station(s).
Depending on how your Fulfill Items configuration option is set, you either unfulfill entire tickets, or unfulfill either the ticket or specific items on a ticket. Choose Kitchen > Printers, tickets, & KDS devices > Kitchen to open the Kitchen page with the Fulfill Items configuration option.
If Fulfill Items is set to Disable individual item fulfillment, you select the ticket and then tap Unfulfill to unfulfill the entire ticket. On a device that has Double-tap to Fulfill, Unfulfill set to Enable double-tap to unfulfill tickets, you can also double-tap to unfulfill the ticket.
In the example that follows, the fulfilled tickets appear in green, with green check marks next to each fulfilled item. Ticket #1 is selected for unfulfillment.
If Fulfill Items is set to Enable individual item fulfillment, when you select a fulfilled ticket a dialog box opens. You can then choose one or more items to unfulfill, or select all and then unfulfill. On a device that has Double-tap to Fulfill, Unfulfill set to Enable double-tap to unfulfill tickets, a double-tap unfulfills all of the items in the ticket.
In the example that follows, after selecting ticket #1, only the Cobb Salad item is selected for unfulfillment.
When a front-of-house employee makes a change to a fulfilled item, the KDS marks the item as unfulfilled on KDS devices, and marks the ticket as RECALLED and the modified item as CHANGED. If your KDS devices hide fulfilled tickets, this redisplays the ticket as unfulfilled. The back-of-house employee then fulfills the item or ticket again.
Redisplaying modified items indicates that a back-of-house employee must take action.
Specific items that are modified are marked as CHANGED on the KDS device. The following changes to an item result in the corresponding KDS ticket to be marked as RECALLED.
Adding a modifier
Changing a modifier
Removing an optional modifier
Adding a special request
Splitting the item differently
Changing the dining option for an item
The following modifications mark an item as CHANGED, but do not unfulfill or mark the ticket as RECALLED. These changes do not affect kitchen preparation or fulfillment.
Voiding an item, partial quantity of an item, or an optional modifier
Changing the course
Updating the seat number