Setting up the bump bar

After the orientation of the bump bar is chosen and placement of the bump bar in the kitchen is finalized, you can connect the bump bar to the KDS device using the USB cable.

Depending on your KDS device model, you need either a USB-B to USB-C cable or a USB-B to USB-A cable. The bump bar uses a USB-B connector. Toast Flex devices use a USB-C connector. Elo devices use a USB-A connector.


You need to use the touchscreen functionality of the KDS device to complete the bump bar set up.

To set up the bump bar

  1. Orient the bump bar to your choosing:

    • A horizontal orientation has the USB cable coming from the right side of the bump bar.

    • A vertical orientation has the USB cable coming from the top of the bump bar.

  2. If needed, remove the overlay insert and replace it with the layout matching your chosen orientation facing outward.

    • The horizontal bump bar button layout:

      The horizontal bump bar layout.
    • The vertical bump bar button layout:

      The vertical bump bar layout.
  3. Connect the USB-B connector end of the cable to the bump bar.

  4. On the corresponding KDS device, remove the back cover. For more information about how to access the back panel, see the Toast Flex 14 Installation Guide and Toast Flex 22 Installation Guide articles available on Toast Central.

    Here is the location of the cables on the Toast Flex 14.

    Diagram of the back of the Toast Flex 14, emphasizing the location of the USB ports.

    Here is the location of the cables on the Toast Flex 22.

    Diagram of the back of the Toast Flex 22, emphasizing the location of the USB ports.
  5. Connect the other end of the cable to the available port on the KDS device. For Toast Flex devices, this is a USB-C connector, and for Elo devices, this is a USB-A or USB-C connector.

  6. If you are currently using dynamic view on the KDS device, a dialog opens, asking you to switch to grid view. Select Switch to Grid View. The KDS device switches to using grid view and a dialog opens, asking to start the bump bar setup.


    Bump bars only work with grid view.

  7. Select Start setup. The screen changes to show options for selecting a button layout.

  8. Select the corresponding layout, according to the orientation you choose for your bump bar:

    • Horizontal layout

    • Vertical layout

  9. Select Save. The confirmation screen opens.

  10. Select Done. The screen for the KDS device using grid view appears.

Once this bump bar is connected, these initial settings are remembered if this bump bar is disconnected and reconnected successfully. If a different bump bar is connected, you need to repeat the initial setup process.