Setting a delivery minimum

A delivery minimum can be set on the Online ordering page in Toast Web. Choose Takeout & delivery > Availability > Online ordering to open the Online ordering page. Rules can be used to configure which orders require manual approval and which orders will be rejected based on certain criteria, such as a delivery minimum.

Using rules


To use rules, one POS device in the restaurant must be configured to autofire.

The Use rules Approval Mode uses rules to determine which orders require approval and which orders will be rejected. The rule types are: Cash Threshold, Credit Minimum, Delivery Minimum, and Total Amount. You can choose to enable any or all of the rules.

  • Cash Threshold: Cash orders at or above this amount require approval or are rejected. The Cash Threshold rule cannot be applied to TDS orders.

  • Credit Minimum: Credit orders under this amount require approval or are rejected.

  • Delivery Minimum: Delivery orders under this amount require approval or are rejected.

  • Total Amount: Orders whose post-tax total is at or above this amount require approval or are rejected.

To enable the delivery minimum rule

  1. Access Toast Web .

  2. Choose Takeout & delivery > Availability > Online ordering to open the Online ordering page.

  3. In the Approval Rules section, select the checkbox next to the Delivery Minimum rule to enable the rule.

  4. Select the enforcement, Approval Needed or Reject.

  5. Enter the trigger amount. This amount will trigger the enforcement chosen.

  6. Select the Save button to save and publish your changes.