Note |
Dining options and behaviors can be configured on the Kitchen > Dining options > Dining options page in Toast Web. |
Orders can be filtered by the following options:
Paid status
Not paid
Dining option
Dining behavior
Dine In
Unassigned (no dining option set)
No behavior (dining behavior is set to None)
Order date
This week (Sunday to Saturday)
This month
This year (January 1 to December 31)
To filter orders by paid status, dining option and dining behavior
Navigate to any Orders Hub tab.
Select the Filter button. This opens the Filter panel.
Select your filters. Multiple filters can be selected. A check mark appears next to each selected filter.
As you select your filters, labels appear on the screen and Orders Hub displays a list of orders that match your filters and order status. To close the Filter panel, select outside the panel or the X at the top right of the panel.
To remove a filter, you can either close the filter label or uncheck the filter in the Filter panel so that is no longer selected.
To filter orders by date
Navigate to the Needs Approval or Scheduled tab.
Select the Filter button. This opens the Filter panel.
Navigate to the Order date filter and select date filters. Only one date filter can be selected.
As you select your filters, labels appear on the screen and Orders Hub displays a list of orders that match your filters and order status. To close the Filter panel, select outside the panel or the X at the top right of the panel.
If you choose the Custom filter, a date picker appears. Select the date range and then select the Apply button to apply the custom filter or select the Cancel button to close the date picker. A label with the custom date range appears on the screen and Orders Hub displays a list of orders that match your filters and order status.