Publishing menu manager changes

The menu manager offers several workflows for saving and publishing your menu changes. Publishing is the step that makes your changes available to restaurant employees and guests. With the menu manager, you can:

  • Create a new change set from the Menu manager page that is saved and published at a later date and time.

    A change set stores the configuration edits you make but it does not save and publish them until a date and time that you specify. When that date and time occurs, the Toast platform saves the changes in the change set and then immediately publishes them to all affected locations, making them available to restaurant employees and guests.

    When you create a new change set, you give it an identifying name and a publishing date and time (alternatively, you can just give the change set a name and defer setting a date and time until later). This workflow is called scheduled publishing. For more information, see Understanding scheduled publishing and change sets.

  • Add the menu manager changes to an existing change set.

    You can add edits made on the Menu manager page to an existing change set that has not been published yet. As described in the bullet above, you can create a change set from the Menu manager page, but they can also be created from the publishing center page. See Publishing center overview for more information about the publishing center.

  • Save and then publish your changes manually when you are ready to make them visible.

    With this workflow, you save your changes immediately after making them in the menu manager and, when you are ready for those changes to be visible to employees and guests, you manually publish them.

The procedures below describe how to use these workflows.

To create a new change set for menu manager changes

  1. After making your menu changes, select the Schedule button. You see the Which scheduled change set would you like to add this to dialog box with a list of existing change sets at the top.

  2. Select Create change set.

  3. Enter a description for the change set.

  4. Select a date and time for the change set to be saved and published.

    The time zone is the current time zone from your browser. Be sure to take that into account when you select the publication time. For example, if you are in the Pacific time zone, but are scheduling a change set for locations in the Eastern time zone, then to publish the change set at 4:00 AM Eastern, set the scheduled publication for 1:00 AM Pacific.

    Alternatively, you can select I'll schedule this later and then edit the change set later to set its date and time.

  5. Select Create and add [X] changes.

    A calendar icon is added next to each menu entity that has been updated. The calendar icon also includes a number that indicates the number of change sets the updated entity is included in. For example, the Scrambled Eggs menu item below is included in one change set:

    The location of the calendar icon for a menu item.

    You can select the calendar icon to open a list of the change sets that the updated menu entity is included in. Select a change set from that list to view and edit it.

To add menu manager changes to an existing change set

  1. After making your edits, select the Schedule button. You see the Which scheduled change set would you like to add this to dialog box with a list of existing change sets at the top.

  2. Select the change set you want to add your changes to and then select Add changes.

    A calendar icon is added next to each menu entity that has been updated. The calendar icon also includes a number that indicates the number of change sets the updated entity is included in. For example, the Scrambled Eggs menu item below is included in one change set:

    The location of the calendar icon for a menu item.

    You can select the calendar icon to open a list of the change sets that the updated menu entity is included in. Select a change set from that list to view and edit it.

To manually save and publish menu manager changes

  1. After making your edits, select the Save [X] changes button.

  2. In the Save changes now dialog box, select Yes, save now.

  3. When you are ready to make your changes visible to restaurant employees and guests, select the Unpublished changes link at the top of the page to go to the Toast account > Publishing > Publish Config page.

  4. Follow the instructions below for your scenario:

    • Single-location restaurants: Select Publish Changes.

    • Multi-location restaurants: Follow the instructions in Publishing changes for multiple locations to publish changes to all or some of your locations.


      The Publish now prompt that appears when you edit other configuration pages in Toast Web (outside of the menu manager page) publishes changes to the session restaurant only. To publish to multiple locations, you must use the Publish Config page.